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 Post subject: Hello everyone!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:53 pm 
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 WWW  Profile

Joined: Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:15 pm
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Hello everyone!

Bluz really inspired me with an amazing introduction, so here's mine. :)

My in name game is WarrMachine, but my real name is Maxx. I live in the United States, far away from the more threatening people in this game... *phew*. Im posting this on April Fools day, 2015, but Im not joking in any way, I am 14 years old. My birthday is in the summer, on August 3rd ;)

Im certain most of you know me from youtube, as it is a hobby I love. Making videos is definitly more fun than it seems, I highly encourage anyone to try making or editing videos of game footage if they have the chance. Some might go as far to say Ive been taught in iMovie extensively, but that just isn't true. I am completely self taught, I have two youtube accounts that I express my skill, (or lack of :lol: ). One for Mario Kart Wii, (Maxx Mkwii) and one for SuperMechs (Warr Machine).

Im grateful to have "made it" in this game, I joined on April of last year (2014), it honestly seems like my rank was dwelling in the thoasands just yesterday. :lol:

My interests are math and science in school, I play super competitively in Mario Kart, Im in a dozen or so sub clans :)

Im in all honors or accelerated classes in school, maintaining fairly decent grades. More misc things about me: My favorite color is red in general, I like black and white paint on mechs ;) I have siberain husky, hes so swag 8-) Here are the things I find most annoying in SuperMechs ~
~Spammers (expecially the codes :shock: )
~Account Traders and Buyers (YOU CAN GET BANNED FOR THAT)

My signature is so sick, thank you Andy!!! All credit to him!!!!

Call me Maxx or Warr, doesnt matter to me. Due to my recent spike in popularity on youtube, I cant find the time to answer to all PMs that fans request. But if is an question you need answered, ask away! I like to think of myself an knowledgable about this game, so please ask anything!

Thanks for your time, I'll try to upload every few days or so, mostly a TOAWM or something!




 Post subject: Re: Hello everyone!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:39 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 17, 2013 1:51 am
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Good intro

^Credit goes to Andy! Thanks!


 Post subject: Re: Hello everyone!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:53 am 
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Nice to meet you Max! (again) :P


Mess with me, that's alright. Mess with my friends, you're DEAD.

-R.I.P Forums-


 Post subject: Re: Hello everyone!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:44 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:55 am
Posts: 114
Location: United Arab Emirates
Gender: male
GOOD Introduction

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