indala wrote:
He didn t build colony to spam, at least its what he wrote before, even he showed some BRs
I think he din t atack WaC because we never bothered him
NaveedNiazi wrote:
kiddu10 wrote:
is that the new pro build?
oh yea.... he may be thinks that Admins are more senior than every one. So, He Built as what he saw on Relics

I played f5 (Custom 6 ticker some days ago, and now playing on f2)
so I visit e1 in like 2 to 3 days
btw here is a BR from e1, when im not playing there, I feel free to show my army
IND2 player did mistake, observing me that I'm not playing there, so he went with his Full army. and attacked my OP
(I read this BR after 3 days


Thanks man to keep him on line

NaveedNiazi wrote:
my oil reservs rached 30 k and e at 500 so i have to used that all at once...
as a result its SPAM time !!
@kinder Bro, I just spammed cz of this, and I think it caused many alliances to Raze OPs, and they were unable to defend them cz of all nearest gates were Jammed...
I attacked GaZ also but my friend was in GaZ so i had to Turn,
@Guarav1 I think you are an Old Vet, BUT you can see WaC is marked blue
and I'm not a newbie who attack friendlies