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 Post subject: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:37 am 
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So at the moment the forums have died down a little bit and there really havent been any updates from either side for quite some time.

I have been taking screenshots of the E4 scoreboard and the "alliance territory" map starting at tick 900 or something around there. I will post all of those (the scoreboard corresponding to the same tick of the alliance territory). I will apologize in advance as there are some big gaps where I simply forgot to take the screenshot!

Anyways, here is the last about 600 ticks of Earth 4 according to the scoreboard and the "alliance territory" function, and after that we will then look at the battles that have happened.

Here is the world at Tick 900 (I don't have a scoreboard pic)

The world scoreboard Tick 1182

The world alliance territory Tick 1182

Moving on, the world scoreboard Tick 1222

And the alliance territory the same tick

Now, we jump to tick 1565 because I frankly forgot to take pics of the intervening ticks.

Here is the alliance territory, see how BYZ and our coalition expand while BoS and LOIC contract:

Tick 1661

And the alliance territory:

Finally tick 1696, after the 236 (or so) LOIC squads attacked about 290 BYZ squads:

And here is the alliance territory following that battle:

Sooooo.....Now that you have a pretty picture of what all has happened from tick 900 up until about tick 1700 lets give some battle reports.\

Now, just to be clear, some of these battle reports are from the BYZ sub, BYZ,. (the , is part of the BYZ tag lol)

Anyways, enjoy the kills we have on BoS, BoS subs, LOIC, and LOIC subs

Battle reports:

Tick 1040:

Tick 1187

Tick 1200

Tick 1217

Tick 1480

Tick 1660 (the BIG LOIC kill! 9 LOIC members died and barely broke BYZ armor while they were at it)

Tick 1661 (Range 4 baby!)

Tick 1690

Tick 1694

Tick 1695

So this post is ALOT of pictures and less commentary. I will do that at the end of the round, and you can find some of it in the Battle Dawn Tribune as Earth 4 is featured as the interesting era of the month.

Cheers lads!



CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
JFA - Member (E1 current era)
BYZ - Leader (E4 current era)

Founder, The Byzantine Empire


 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:07 am 
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Edit: and him and Tom write about battle hugs in the tribune LOL



 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:16 am 
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And all the BoS and LOIC act like they have none.

I am sorry that I am a better leader and have active subs and you do not.

I am also sorry that we killed ROME, your 3rd "brother" alliance around tick 600 or so and conquered AA.

Its not a matter of having more allies than you, its a matter of having more ACTIVITY and ORGANIZATION than you do.

Quit complaining and get better.


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
JFA - Member (E1 current era)
BYZ - Leader (E4 current era)

Founder, The Byzantine Empire


 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:38 am 
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Ohh no we have 1 sub...
Better leader my ***

Just listen to yourself you practically just admitted to battle hugging yet you contradict yourself in the tribune.

I love this ACTIVITY! ORGANIZATION! when VG and friends have been slaughtered 5 times and who 3 times at the hands of LOIC. Yet is still don't quite understand their motivation for rebuilding over and over maybe a 2nd or 3rd place it would seem?

You see YOUR nothing without your hugs yet you never recognize them for their work. They crash their armies into us day and night then you come in to reap the rewards and parade on the forums.

Yes we lost a major battle but we did break armor and took out all your range anti tank as well, plus you forget to include that we wiped the floor with 3 of your members prior to that event, took lots of ORGANIZATION to prevent that from happening.



 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:46 am 
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You also didn't fight 3 of our members who still have all of their anti tank. Get ready.

I give VG and WHO all the credit that they deserve. They deserve ALOT for holding LOIC off the entire round until BYZ was able to come in and get the kill that we did.

Yes, activity and organization within my own subs. I do not control my allies. Am I annoyed or say that VG or WHO might have fallen for a few traps? Yes, but it happens to everyone. BoS has also fallen for the same thing and been a victim of it.

BYZ has killed BoS twice over when they were tanks and then vech, and part of a third time we killed 2-3 of their members when BoS fell back from Africa.

BYZ has killed 9 LOIC members.

It's not battle hugs, its strategy. You are losing the war so you come up with countless excuses. Get over yourself you little prick. The coalition of VG/BYZ/WHO is winning this war and will march on to victory.

Keep weaving your web of lies to make it look like LOIC and BoS are the weak side or the ones who deserve the pitty. In reality you are just the side that had less activity and less organization...oh, and your subs sucked where as mine are awesome.

Get some!


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
JFA - Member (E1 current era)
BYZ - Leader (E4 current era)

Founder, The Byzantine Empire


 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:04 am 
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We killed Leo, Tom, and Pantera if im not mistaken, and we killed 750 anti tank vehicle rang you forget to mention. But thats right we only just broke armour....

Your giving VG and WHO credit and 2nd and 3rd place...

A few "traps" would imply 2 or 3 traps. LOIC has annihilated 7 all anti tank alliance sized armies with "traps"

Don't bring BOS into this they aren't LOIC.

If allying yourself with 10 other alliances and using them as suicide dummies isn't battle hugging then the term must be way worse like srb worse than what im thinking of.

And you say that its "not your fault for having all those subs" well it is because i would take taxation of the need of 10 subs any day

And I don't need lies to make us look like the weaker side, Were strong but not 10 alliance strong... And saying that we have less activity and organization is a joke I hope. I would love for you to supply us with a BR of someone in LOIC besides myself (lol) that has died because of inactivity, because I can provide 3 for you.

And our sub* is only given the task of locking down the HIVE not finding armies to crash into.




 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:18 am 
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Sorry that I expect more from my subs that simply defending the hive? That's a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) sub in my opinion. The reason to have a sub is to have their armies fighting alongside you during a war, which is what BYZ has been doing, and LOIC tried to do, but simply REALLY sucked at it.

Yes, you did kill Tom, Arnold, and Pantera. Go ahead and post those battle reports, that is on you to do. But does it matter? No not really. We have all of your former income now and those members who died have EASILY rebuilt to their former strength, unlike your NINE member who died in a suicide attack against us.

I give VG and WHO all the credit they deserve, and it is quite a lot. They held back LOIC, an alliance with twice their power for virtually the entire round while BYZ fought BoS. Problem for you was that once BYZ kicked BoS out of Africa due to superiority and awesomeness LOIC wasn't able to hold us off.

I really don't care that you are fighting BYZ/WHO/VG at the moment. At one point BYZ was fighting BoS in Saudi and ROME in AA and you didn't see us complaining.

Like I have said, get over yourself. Byzantium and her allies are overpowering your coalition and all you have is words that are attempting to spin the war to favor you. The fact of the matter though is that LOIC and BoS started this war over 1,400 ticks ago, not BYZ, TFG, (now VG) or WHO. LOIC and BoS are the ones that pay the price of entering a war you thought you could win yet in reality lacked the skill the follow through with your numerical advantage.

I have better organization.
I have better players.
I have better everything.
I have the winning side.
I have Byzantium, The Vengeful Gauls, and WHO.
I have a coalition that works as a TEAM.

You have nothing of the such.

Suck on it.

Good luck.


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
JFA - Member (E1 current era)
BYZ - Leader (E4 current era)

Founder, The Byzantine Empire


 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:26 am 
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:mrgreen: dont forget ToT helped too :P



 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:43 am 
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Our sub actually plays an active role of putting down rebellions and such, its enough work for 10 hardly active members.

Byz kicked BOS out of africa because BOS had to build both anti veh and anti tank to counter VG (which they did) and fight you guys at the same time. While they were doing that we were killing Who which left BOS on thier own vs the #2 and #4 alliance

Half of Rome got banned...

You keep dodging my statement of how your going to give them 2nd and 3rd place. And you say we double their power when they doubled our power at the beginning of the era yet we still crushed them both. VG and WHO were able to hold us off by taking turns suiciding into our army. They also built and still build exclusively anti tank which makes things difficult when you have to mix but your enemy doesnt.

And of course BYZ and her 10 alliances are overpowering us. It BYZ and 10 ALLIANCES!

You have better organization.. No 3 army kills from inactivness/ disorganization
You have More players.
You have better everything...No we still hold 4/10 relics
You have the winning side... Lets see how things turn out

Yes I don't need 10 alliances to compete in an era

Suck on what? man tities?




 Post subject: Re: BYZ/WHO/VG et al. vs BoS/LOIC et al. - UPDATE -
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:30 pm 
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NoobinProudly wrote:
Our sub actually plays an active role of putting down rebellions and such, its enough work for 10 hardly active members.

You can't put down your own rebellions? Those really dont happen THAT often.

NoobinProudly wrote:
Byz kicked BOS out of africa because BOS had to build both anti veh and anti tank to counter VG (which they did) and fight you guys at the same time. While they were doing that we were killing Who which left BOS on thier own vs the #2 and #4 alliance

You have it wrong here. When BYZ and BoS were fighting in Africa VG (formerly TFG) was NOT fighting BoS. VG fought BoS for the first hundred or so ticks of the war and that is about it. It was all BYZ vs BoS from there.

Again, you are also wrong on BoS having to build both anti veh and anti tank. They had a PURE BEAM build when they were vech and also when they switched to inf after we killed them. BoS never built for a split chassis.

And on the contrary, it is BYZ that has had to build all 3 weapon types. First anti tank for BoS and LOIC, then beam when BoS switched to vech, then conc when BoS switched to inf, and at the same time we had to maintain a decent amount of anti tank for when we fought (and killed) 9 LOIC members.

NoobinProudly wrote:
Half of Rome got banned...

It was 3 members if my memory serves correctly and the bans happened when BYZ had pushed ROME all the way to their hive and had killed their armies. Hardly a meaningful ban.

NoobinProudly wrote:
You keep dodging my statement of how your going to give them 2nd and 3rd place.

There is nothing to "dodge" here. WHO and VG get 2nd/3rd (same as the deal with NG) if they have the appropriate score/power at the end of the round. This will be achieved by their own means and by the large amount of crystals BoS and LOIC have.

NoobinProudly wrote:
And you say we double their power when they doubled our power at the beginning of the era yet we still crushed them both. VG and WHO were able to hold us off by taking turns suiciding into our army. They also built and still build exclusively anti tank which makes things difficult when you have to mix but your enemy doesnt.

Actually, in the beginning BoS had MUCH more power than any of WHO/BYZ/VG (TFG at the time), and LOIC had at least equal power to TFG (if not more) if my memory serves. In the beginning of the war BYZ was ranked 5 with something like 800 power less than BoS if I am not mistaken.

And again, you whine and complain about having to mix your weapon type when your enemy doesn't. It isn't our fault that BOTH BoS and LOIC started the era as tanks. It isn't our fault that ROME wasn't able to stand up against BYZ and crumbled incredibly fast. BYZ has had to mix weapon types the ENTIRE era/war as we have always been fighting either BoS/ROME, BoS/B0G (who were inf), or BoS/LOIC. So please, stop with that silly argument. The BYZ/VG/WHO coalition built

NoobinProudly wrote:
And of course BYZ and her 10 alliances are overpowering us. It BYZ and 10 ALLIANCES!

Sorry for building a better coalition? Actually, i'm not. Quit complaining about this point. BoS/LOIC/ROME had the SAME opportunity to create allies at the beginning and throughout the era yet you chose to kill them off or disregard them instead. MIST located in North America is the perfect example. You bully them and put them down. No wonder no one wants to be on your side.

NoobinProudly wrote:
You have better organization.. No 3 army kills from inactivness/ disorganization
You have More players.
You have better everything...No we still hold 4/10 relics
You have the winning side... Lets see how things turn out

1.) BYZz = ToT (same alliance)
2.) FBB (formerly USA) has merged with ToT
3.) IBW has never been active and has a couple players in it that dont do much
4.) BUFU is a one man alliance
5.) I haven't seen WHO1 or WHO3 ever in a fight...correct me if I am wrong
6.)ABoS have been excellent help
7.) VGs, like IBW is quite inactive
8.) BYZ, was actually the ROME sub and decided to join our coalition because we treat our players better.

NoobinProudly wrote:
Yes I don't need 10 alliances to compete in an era

Through the era:

LOIC (the sub)
ROMEs (or whatever the rome sub was called, I cannot remember)

I keep my allies/subs at least partially active and working towards the cause. Your coalition on the other hand, does nothing of the such.


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
JFA - Member (E1 current era)
BYZ - Leader (E4 current era)

Founder, The Byzantine Empire


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