well...as allways..,me posting about E2 era's that 'm in ..LOL

this sound like an intresting era....we have like 5-6 SOTO alliances......all gathering up ..(or trying)
facing a couple of TUN alliances...
it'll be very much like an era for revenge..althought its weird that many former members of TUN went to SOTO but anyways..
for TUN 'm seeing quit an intresting game-play...fast moving and advancing brutally through everywhere...
but in the other hand SOTO is not being organised this round...each sub building alone and some are mixed...
SoD and FD seems like they might be going for win ......it'll be a bet hard challenge against such competition to get up easly .....STAR i think might be trying to get back to top but its a weak shot for them...
but anyways..we'll see very soon.....may the best win ..
and if you have any intresting reports or news or ideas about this era of E2..plzz post it here....lets not fill the forum with empty topics about same era and gather all idea's in one place