Sorry i couldnt get this up earlier as there was no big BRs and i didnt have the time.
MM has joined in the war with ABI against JAC and DAM. We have pushed DAM and JAC back to their hive. OPP is some where just sitting about for some reason when they are ment to be helping. DAM and JAC has avoided large fights and battles only occured when their armies were trapped. JAC are basicly launching nuke after nuke for a while now. This war will end soon as ABI and MM are pushing into their hive.
DAM for some reason like to use damage

they are so fail
JAC are losing their armies 1 by 1. First "wats my name" then "Puppy lov" and now "Apocalypse"

MM ambushed "wats my name" who then proceed to leave JAC, so much for commitment. The others were killed recently by ABI.
Will upload all MM BRs and possibly some ABI BRs if i get them.