hello, we have a link on facebook for all news coverage in battledawn for fantasy 6.! ok, so the only alliance so far to let news break is HOLY. As we all kno HOLY stays on top of things but the only reason they started first was.. the leader of HOLY made BDNM (the fan site). so we are looking for alliances to start messaging there news to zeon on fantasy 6, and accasionally send alliance news from War to Recrutement to alliships to conquers along with a pic from the alliance with thier logo and there tag clearly on it. so when specific alliance news comes to view, your logo is put up and it advertizes the clan.
we also use them so that, the top 13 alliances ill be put in the sites hall of fame section each time the round ends.
but we cant do this without you, go to zeon and message him your alliance news, and make a contact for providing news for the site.
link ::
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BDNM/1418 ... 30?sk=walland remember to make comments when you reply to this, and to vote a @Like@ when your on the page