let me tell you the little story of SOTO.
it all started in Greenland, ERC and SOTO were suppose to be brother alliances thats was the nature of the agreement Extreme the first leader of ERC and ARAGMI decided.
later on the game I think it was about tick 200-250 war broke between ERC and SB (
just for the record I respect SB allot, ARGAMI dont brodcast stuff on me cause you dont know me but your character is easy to read like a book).
SOTO were having a little engagements with SB even before SB and us started fighting and SB had quite allot sub members of SOTO conquered.
when it all started SOTO promised to help, no I will tell you something even better they told me we are late and that they have been fighting SB hard for quite some time now which eventual was found out to be a lie.(yes I have proofs, messages from ARGAMI)
in the end SB and we exhausted each other SB feeling treated starting relocating to SA and we who felt over confident with our alliays backing us splited and sent 120-110 squads after SB while the rest of our squads at the time it was godsent conqueror and rikamaru which had together about 60 squads went to SA to destroy SB relocation point.(ya we were greedy and couldnt let SB escape cause then we would have o face HINI too)
we lost our 120 squads in an all out fight with all SB members and I blame no one for this but I wrote all of this just to show the neture of ARGAMI and his alliance.
for the rest of the round SOTO and ARGMI were sitting spaming troops making their army bigger and having fun taking control on exERC territories, most likely they wanted us to die for that.
and thats how it went for the next 600 ticks they kept sitting around making more troops and for god sake I dont know why all the west side of the world bacame their alliays, they dont deserve the win for how they played the game.
EEF on the other hand played it rough made wars got crystals played the game to its fullest.
the reason I broadcast this is a "cowards war" is because it is EEF Vs all the west side of the world ?... and now SOTO are so praised that they won 1 big battle, you were sitting around making troops all round I can see how this outcome came.
SOTO have fun with your win this round is most likely yours ARGAMI you think so highly of yourself but you arent anything special.
WLS you guys really I dont know what to tell you, your alliays needed you but in that biggest time of need you went after NOOB and their relic ?
it desnt even matter who wins cause the winner will be the last big eastern alliance you will have no big alliays left in the east and that will be your downfall... dont forget that when SOTO takes control of Africa their incomes will be much greater then yours, and by far

.. if my memory doesnt fool me I am sure you were going for the win ?
I am moving to EEF2 and although I am week I will fight you with iceman till the end

oh and argami you are welcome at my colony