Dude, this is probably the best suggestion I've read for the past months, and the one that is worth replying to..

First of all, I hate the current meta. I'm angry about a heat item doing possibly as much damage as a physical weapon, when physical is suppose to be the one shoving all the nasty damage.. *looks at devastation swarm* Heck, even more!
when we're talking about needle blasters, atleast.So back to your suggestion. Yes, as I've said before, "best suggestion". It actually gives resistance a serious amount of value, because right now, it's all about health and negative resistances. It is ridiculous; resistance modules are now worthless.
If this were to be a true feature, then for once, I'd actually regret fusing my one and METROLENS away.. xD
But anyways, this may be a one way or another to bring up some boat loads of interesting builds and decision making throughout a battle.
Though I have a bunch of questions:
1. Will the resistance drain also be multiplied by four or five? Because tbh, that'll be kinda OP.
2. Will shields affect them?
Honestly, I think they will. Just to clarify things, so to speak.3. Will EVERY weapon in the game be like this? Because it's gonna start up an another potential meta wars.
yes shields affect but it is multiplicative and does not matter. The drain occurs once. I think this should be physical only btw not sure how it would apply on Heat/energy.