Finallly,it's time to say Goodbye to bd. I made a lot of friends and bd was my biggest time pass. Infact,is . I met many bd legends played with them. I won somee while lost some. THis is the biggest family ever on internet and is one of the best places to hang on. I am playing in several eras atm. Many are serious but i cannot play due to my Real Life.
Many people don't know me here. Infact,i am not so famous but to all the guys and girls i met on bd. It's time to say goodbye. Ramik (Guess Who). It was the best time to hang with you bud. You taught me this game and taught me how to do diplomacy which is the best part of this game. I lead an alliance and it was a great experience. All Thanks to you. Miss ya all peps . Hope ya all will keep this game alive and hope i'll return someday to kick ass