So it's era 25 and at tick 175, got backstabbed by DG which i had a nap with till tick 400
and ppl still ask me why i don't like naps xD
I had a little conversation with the DG leader
It's just sad that BD started to accept these kind of nubs xD
[8/4/2013 5:03:16 PM] Michael: can u please remind me what tick our nap will end?
[8/4/2013 5:05:54 PM] Michael: I know u will backstab
[8/4/2013 5:06:01 PM] Michael: let's just hope you're smart enough

[8/4/2013 7:45:28 PM] DistortedTarget: Sorry hey.
[8/4/2013 7:45:37 PM] DistortedTarget: our NAP was too tick 400 i believe
[8/4/2013 7:45:51 PM] DistortedTarget: and smart enough for what? you just asked me to backstab
[8/4/2013 7:56:25 PM] Michael: exactly
[8/4/2013 7:56:29 PM] Michael: our nap till tick 400
[8/4/2013 7:56:33 PM] Michael: a nuke field
[8/4/2013 7:56:36 PM] Michael: deploying spams
[8/4/2013 7:56:39 PM] Michael: and anti spams
[8/4/2013 7:56:53 PM] Michael: isn't it early for tick 400?
[8/4/2013 7:56:57 PM] DistortedTarget: well you vigilant ill give you that

He thinks I've started playing yesterday .-.
Anyway, it's been a long time since I've posted a war here, so DG is here for that

ps: they are rank 1, with 2 subs, and they have 400 power more than us.
Time for some xp