There is an old vendetta going on between Sandip an Bucu's Slave. It is about honor and humiliation. If you want to hear the dirty details, ask one of them or both. If you ask both, you'll probably hear two different stories.
Anyway, because of this they will be all time enemies. They detest each other, and do everything to annoy each other. To the extreme..
And that's what happened today. Bucu's Slave decided that TRAC - who didn't do (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) this era - was allowed to take enough relics to end 2nd this era.
Not very honorable. In fact quite disgusting, and injustice towards HNOR / NJOY.
An almost 2,5k tick war is rare. BHG / SSS / GG (forgot one?) deserved the win. No doubt about that. Congrats for that. You were really amazing..
And so is Bucu's Slave. Really amazing. Someone's behavior in game tells a lot about someone's character. It's part of your character if you enjoy it mocking the enemy on BC. Trying to annoy them. And you feel good about yourself if you see the effect of your BC: a new hate BC from the enemy.
And that's this relic swap too. Just another way to annoy the enemy.
This has nothing to do with honor and respect. If you respect your enemy you wouldn't do such a thing. And of course, you can give many examples to justify this decision (swapping relics), but bottom-line is: it's not a cool thing to do. It just proves your immaturity. It's childish behavior.
And that's what I like to add to the evaluation of Sandip and Bucu's Slave in my post Era 67 - Drawing up the balance. Childish behavior from both of them, where Bucu's Slave absolutely tops Sandip in this. Also in this he won the era.
Now, based on this, would you like to play with them in future era's? That's up to you of course. I respect anyone's decision. I don't mind to play with these guys in future era's as long as they don't lead an ally, because they proved they are not capable to lead.
I think when leading an ally, you should decide how you want to be remembered now, next month, or next years. Do you want to be remembered as an @sshole, or do you want to be remembered as a well respected leader of a great alliance.
Swapping relics, doing injustice towards the real outcome of an era, is that the behavior of a well respected leader, or is it the behavior of an immature @sshole?
My advice, especially to Bucu's Slave: look in the mirror. If you really think it was the best thing to do (swapping relics), and
for this era it served justice (don't come with a lame excuse that TRAC deserved 2nd spot for their support all era's), then you have my blessing... In greatness you're the tiniest person I know... You can't help it. It's just how you are, so I won't judge anymore.
But it might even possible that you think I'm right... In that case, show your greatness in full glory, and take back the relics. You, and only you deserved them, not TRAC.
Had an extensive mail conversation with Bucu's Slave aka DrPole about all kind of things. The vendetta with Sandip, the history of GG, and the way he leads the ally. Have to revise my opinion about him (although he really didn't impress me as a player this era

). He is actually a nice and reasonable guy... Looking at his tt on BC, I didn't expect that. He told me he regrets it, but was sick of the tt from Sandip.. This update will do more justice to him..