1.) No trolling. If you cant have fun without being a jerk to others, find some other forum to QQ 2.) No inappropriate/vulgar/sexually explicit posting. Staff reserves the right to deem anything they see fit as inappropriate. 3.) Have fun and don't post anything not geared at having fun! 4.) Please respect staff members and their decisions at all times. If you cannot accept a staff or moderator decision, please appeal to admin Seth.
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:48 pm Posts: 2693 Gender: male
Hello everyone! It has been a long ass time since I've been on the forums and since I was stripped of my modship due to inactivity I decided it was time to do the inevitable and finally write my first "Good-bye forever" post. These are to be taken with a grain of salt since I will most likely return-as they all do. (Tenkai)
I just had a few things to say, first off I wanted to express how I miss the old days on this forum even before I was a mod when I actually felt like a part of this community. For a long time that feeling has been fading away to the point to where I feel very detached coming here almost like how a newb feels when he first visits the forum(I guess that's what I am )
That being said, I don't mean it in a bad way I still love or hate you depending on who you are in the same way I always have, I just feel like I have been under a rock for some time. That is my own doing.
A lot of you are probably semi-happy to see this day coming and to those that lived up to this day so that they could see this I congratulate you.
Off to the fun part-my message to those who impacted me most.
Routh - Man, you are hilarious I just hope that you can still remember the funny conversations over the other ones...
Liam - We're still going to game together, I will stalk you or something.
Simms - Nawh jk I don't have anything to say to you.
Tenkai - You have always been here, over the past two years we have done much spamming together-Which reminds me, don't let any nubs have the hill.
Targoon - If you ever read this man, I will never forget 501 and being crushed by Sky, you were my first gaming friend and I miss a lot of it. I hope we can still game together too.
Dan - You were always there to listen, you are probably the most understanding person I have ever met on this forum. Your wisdom will get you far man, thanks for listening to all my problems!
Bronies AKA Brandon and Billy - I hope you both die. Jk but seriously. Nawh I have to say out of everyone I have played with in the last year and a half you are the first two to actually make it fun for me. Before you guys I hadn't had fun playing this game since Sky era, I was too busy being a pro and taking the game way too seriously.
Seth - You rock dude, throughout all the times when you should have fired me you didn't and I thankyou for that I also thank you for all the advise you gave me. You're a real person with real opinions on things that matter, you and Elric taught me more than you know. Thanks
Elric - Man we have had our ups and downs... Mostly downs but there was one time we were friendly toward each other and you taught me a lot about programming. If I could take anything back from the last year it would be the unnecessary aggression I gave you. You're right, I am hot headed sometimes and I was wrong most of the time in our arguments I was just too stubborn to admit it.
Shelton - You are a great guy, and although bad things seem to find their way to you I want you to know you are good. Always nice, never mean and you always listened. You never held yourself on a pedestal and you were always willing to learn from others.
LC - It has been a really long time since we have talked at all so this is hard for me to do but I want you to know you impacted me as well.
Shion - Oh man, where can I start? Maybe Bad Girls Company? Damn we never did get to try to win another era together. Maybe we will in the future ^.^
Iso - It's been forever but when I was a little newb in this game playing on my first big team with Shion you were one of the main people I looked up too.
Ryan - More important than everyone on this list Milan - Oh jeez, well you have crushed my hopes and dreams more than once so (insert insults here) But really you were pretty cool too bad we never got to play together.
Ilona - I remember when you first became an admin and I got in trouble in our 'super sexy chat' or whatever it was (basically a spam chat) with simmen, I'm still sorry for what I said in that chat room that made bubble so angry (I think that was her name)
Aister - ... You seriously gotta stop scaring all the newbies away (jk)
Kenny - Not really much to say other than the fact I thought you were hilarious.
I'm sure there are a good 10-15 people I am forgetting so don't be hurt if you aren't on here.
Good-bye "forever" ~Jake
Last edited by Jake on Mon May 13, 2013 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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