Kenny wrote:
Subs DON'T dominate the plains anymore, players have been getting more and more annoyed with subs and gang up on subs.

Many sub empires get taken down, the only one that hasn't is GML.
I guess Veterans saw the inherit flaws of them. Plus I am sure people realized how effort and coordination goes into them.
Also, GML is such a familiar name. It is hard to remember all these old acronynms. Especially with all the bad clones out there.
Also speaking of things, how are things going for you Kenny? Still the most hated man of Battledawn? Don't worry I still love you even though you hate me.

Edit: Is GML that old Mars alliance that kept winning the same server over and over? I remember teaming up with you on that. It was a pain in the ass to keep the team together. It was a real shame we couldn't take them on in due time. Although it doesn't help that we had traitors.