Hello, my name is Rain and I lead the Principality of Zeon (PoZ) on Earth1 and one or two other servers. Some of you have probably seen me, I'm not so sure. But, down to business.
I'm looking to establish PoZ as a great alliance. One that is efficient, strong, the players work well together and above all else...is fun to be apart of! I'm aiming to be number one with this alliance and I'm looking for more than just people to play the game with. In this alliance, we're all friends or family. Whether you are a new guy to the game or an experienced player I seek to get strong together and make our way to the top! Dedication and activity are the two key components you'll need to be apart of PoZ. For I intend to make PoZ every era here on Earth 1 untill I eventually stop playing this game (If I do). So I am looking for people who will join and, if they enjoy being in the alliance, continue to join era after era.
I will admit that I am not the best player here in Battledawn and, compared to everyone else, I am rather new to the game. I have 4000+ hours experience with the game, that's about 166 days...roughly. But, i've managed to get PoZ as high as ranked 10 before. And personally I have reached ranked 30 on a different world.
So, that's a little about me and the alliance I am creating. I already have a few members that say they will follow me into the next Era but we all know life comes first. So, message me if you're interested and we'll see what we can do.

Leader of the Principality of Zeon [ PoZ ] E1 Leader of TF F1A4 - Finished Rank 9 Leader of DS F4A5 - Finished Rank 5 Highest individual rank ever attained: 32