Honestly, this isn't a joke.
The Constitution truly is being thrown out the window, behind the backs of Americans. To take offense to the video is to deny the movement away from the founding principles of this country.
Please, take a look at the Constitution and what it stands for, as well as what the original intent is in the creation of the document.
Now once you have done that, look at the acts of the US government (mostly) since 1913, the creation of the Federal Reserve. That is when the move away from the Constitution began full force, at least by what I know (it may have been earlier...)
In fact, let me explain about "earlier." Remember the Civil War? (well, no, not literally... JUST CALM DOWN!) Our beloved Abraham Lincoln, one of our most highly revered Presidents, was actually one of the first to disregard the Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment.
He, and the congress of the time, severely limited the freedom of speech of anyone who lived in the North and spoke out for slavery, or the South.
So the people who he was silencing may have been idiots, or may have believed in immoral things, but that doesn't matter. He restricted the rights of the People. That is a big fat No-No in the book of following the Constitution.
But let us skip forward again to 1913, where I referenced the beginning of our troubles.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created what is most often referred to as "The Fed". An overseeing power over the banking systems in America.
The Fed has the power to coin money, which was delegated to it by Congress (as the Constitution strictly dictates that only Congress has this power. This is my 1st point as to why The Fed is unconstitutional,) and it was given the power by Congress to print money.
Notice, I made a distinction between coining and printing money. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that money may be printed. In fact, I do believe it limits the creation of money to be only coining, but at the moment I am too lazy to find where it says that... I have a lot more to cover

Furthermore, The Fed, as well as every other centralized bank that has been created in the US's past, has participated in Fractional Banking; the act of lending out more money than you have physical means to cover. In other words, when you put money into the bank, the bank lends it out and asks for interest, but they lend out more money than they actually have on reserve... this is what caused the Banking crisis in the Great Depression, as the People withdrew all of their money from the banks, but the banks didn't have enough money to pay everyone back.
Bad joo-joo there.
I would normally explain the ways in which the Fed conducts Fractional Reserve Banking, but I still have much more to cover.
In essence though, as Fractional Reserve Banking is conducted, money is created, until it is returned to the bank after a loan. What happens when people cant pay back the loan? The Fed must cover this loss of money in the Banks, so they print it up. That is why in periods such as the one we are in now, when a large number of people default on loans, inflation increases.
No, I am not talking about the CPI (Consumer Price Index) but rather, the actual inflation rate.
Lets just talk about inflation for a second btw:
Inflation is all about supply and demand of money.
How much money is there in the system, what is the supply of it? (The M3 money supply, which is no longer reported by The Fed - my belief is that they know people will figure it out if it is reported)
How much do people spend the money, what is the demand for it? (This is consumption, just look at the GDP, Gross Domestic Product, for this measurement)
So basically, as more money is created (like right now with defaults on loans, trillion dollar stimulus packages, etc.) and less money is demanded (GDP goes down, people spend less, there are less jobs, etc.) the inflation rate goes up. Costs increase. This is because the equilibrium price (or more accurately, value) of money drops significantly. Money just isn't worth as much.
Well, now that I've gone on a whole tangent about why The Fed should be abolished (hmm... new thread on this? I'm a little too lazy for that... but I will post in it *hint hint*) I will get back to how the actual Government is screwing us over.
Hows about that thing called the "New Deal"?
Oh, it was a new deal alright... Not only was it an excuse to tax the hell out of the tax payers, including businesses, but it created an immense welfare state, as well as the means to track... well, just about everything that a citizen does. ID theft wouldn't be so easy if there were no Social Security numbers, would it?
Historians, Economists, and other expert type peoples have written books about the horrible blunders that are contained by the tags, "New Deal".
Then theres the Cold War... yeah, theres a fun one... I think that is where the horrible foreign reputation of the US comes from, or at least where it started. There was spying, military coops, and all sorts of other goodies like unnecessary and just plain stupid wars (cough* Vietnam) in that one. But I think it is pretty easy to figure out where the government screwed us over in the Cold War, so I am going to move on here.
Lets go to something more recent.
Patriot Act anyone?
The ability for the Government (more accurately, the executive branch... the one with the President) to spy on American citizens without approval by either Congress or the Courts. Now THAT is scary.
Lets talk about what Obama is wanting right now... "Emergency" control over the Internet.
... Umm... Please, oh GOD PLEASE! tell me that I don't have to explain this one...
It feels very reminiscent of FDR's executive order to imprison Japanese Americans during WWII. Which I should have mentioned earlier actually... that one was a HUGE urination upon the Constitution...
That concludes my rant about the desecration of the Constitution... lets talk more about how ELSE the US Government is screwing over the American people.
Climate crisis.
A 16,845 page tax code (probably more... that info was taken from a site with a copyright of 2006, about the size according to the US Government Printing Office... I searched the US GPO site and couldn't find it compiled together.)
Cash For Clunkers (the destruction of perfectly usable cars just because they aren't satisfactory in the area of fuel efficiency... sorry guys, WRONG TIME FOR THIS!)
States that cant balance their own budgets.
Well, neither can the Federal Government, thats why they are delegating the power to print money to The Fed because no one else will buy up our debt.
Destruction of the public education system (No Child Left Behind anyone??)
The adoption of political correctness.
The remaining attention on race.
You know, I really could go on, but I am tired, and I really think someone other than me should say something...
BTW: Kudos to anyone who actually read the whole post of mine.
And so you know, anyone who wants to go against any explanation of economics that I gave, you had better do your research... Economics is one thing that I REALLY know.