PyScHo14 wrote:
to be honest.. we werent going to die

if u guys would have manned up.. we would have been able to stop 420.. we kille dourselves.. dont care what u see or say.. look at all ur forum pics.. ur best Era was with BO... BO flows through you like blood.. And you next time we wont be as kind... >:)
Your right in that 420 wouldnt have killed BO....because the only reason they attacked was because I told them to.... BO was never in my blood ahaha

if you remember i joined that era as a joke colony, then started doing good so i joined you, i didnt like you, i never have so i killed you (after your fit of rage at me) you told me to leave, i did and you died

gg bud

got beaten by 420

Also would like to say the like 2k veh/tank Arma killed with nukes that i told them to fire also helped alot, and Arma in general were a very big help....
you commented on this a long time after it was finnished, you STILL mad bro?