RECRUITING IN E1, F1, M1 (effective from next era)

Also M1 is more prior
The Members(Names) will be : (No Compulsory, just a suggestion...)
Strawhat Captain (preferably me)
10th Member (optional:) Ace/Jimbei/Dragon (Any one youw would Like)
Criteria : Do I need to ask, an OP fan,... but if you are just anime lover who likes any of Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Conan is also accepted.
I really dont care, if you are noob or not. play good or not, I need you there in chat for talking abt new releases...
But I am serious abt playing too, (Any newb , I am willing to teach you...)
Note: Ranks in the game will be based acc to your play....
Ideas: I would prefer to say Zoro's two famous saying:
" A crew memeber, Nakama doesnt it mean to just do your part and say " I did my part" and "I will kill you if you screw up".... Even our goals are different, we are all headed the same way..."
" Through our journey together, we became strong without even knowing"
Please I dont prefer Sanji's idea of just chking abt Nami and Robin and say everyone's alrit....
How to Apply:
Reply Like this :
Character / Name you selected(you like): Strawhat
Worlds: M1, E1, F1 (If you are newb I prefer you apply just for one world)
Experience: Write your exp in both OP and BD...
Optional : Hobbies, Current Episodes, Most liked Scene... etc