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 Post subject: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:31 pm 
First Lieutenant
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In the start of the round. HQ has always been the number one alliance by a few thousand score pionts. But in the dark, lurking behind and keeping thier profile low the H1N1 family has grown strong. There has never been an allie-ship between the two alliances and everyone suspected these two to battle it out for the round.

HQ has very respectful roster. I have a ton of respect. But There is a few major problems that is keeping this alliance to become the best. They have a few problems. They aren't loyal. Not saying any names. They aren't very well team members (teamwork is the key).

H1N1 has been through a lot to get where they are now. Heck some members lost big amount of units right off. A couple of late bloomers had a set back. But some have shot into the sky. Irewind for exsample has become number 1 rank after being slow in the beging.
But now H1N1 has very frightful members who know how to win.

In the H1N1 family we use several tactices to become the best. Our commincation is very well. We have amny big talks including the repsenters of every sub and most of the main in a chat at once. We use the policy "Everyone has a voice" and it has been very extremly helpful in making decisons. We are one of the most active alliances you will ever see. We have pride in what we do, and we expect to run the table this round.

So far HQ has taken two major hits from H1N1. Gods and Jake Sparrow have lost most of thier army to us. Also we took thier relic away.

We will see who comes on top. Speaking of top. Here is the top 6 alliances!!

1) H1N1 23268 (387 Crystals, 3 relics, 12 members)
2) HQ 21388 (384 Crystals, 0 relics, 12 members)
3) HzDz 15885 (233 Crystals, 0 relics, 12 members)
4) ReV 8732 ( 50 Crystals, 1 relics, 12 members)
5) WU 8381 ( 50 Crystals, 0 relics, 12 members)
6)CULT 8005 ( 26 Crsyals, 0 relics, 12 members)

Other Relic holders:
KRT- 7 and ELL-12

The Italian Mafia


 Post subject: Re: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:03 pm 

Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:54 am
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Ahh, yes HQ and H1N1 have been formal rivals, but who will last longer, I expect H1N1 Will most likey take them on rather then HQ taking on H1N1. HQ is basically a conquerining alliance H1N1 the same but somehow different I don't know why, I am in ReV1.


 Post subject: Re: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:50 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:31 am
Posts: 22
Interesting post TheReturn.

I have tremendous respect for mostly everyone in H1N1, having fought against them as FEAR, and later as HQ, and now this round as HQ.

I'll agree, we have a few members who are weak, and not weak in the term that they lack power, but weak in the sense of teamwork, and meeting.. expectations.

Although I'm sure H1N1 has people like that seeing as how you have conquered more than 1 of your members... and your subs members... for either bounties or crystals.

The only member that we have switched out was Rubik, real life came along and took him away from us.

So in that respect, I would say that H1N1 is making itself stronger by weeding the weaker ones out. Which, could either work great, by you finding the strongest unit that works together. Adversely, you could end up pissing off a lot of people nearby, that would want to turn around and come at you, at the opportune moment.

I guess we will just have to see how it plays out.

Betray, I'm inclined to disagree with your statement that H1N1 will take on HQ rather than the other way around. HQ has been pushing close to H1N1's hive, and H1N1 hasn't come near ours, granted it's still early, and we are feeling each other out.

It'll be fun! :)


 Post subject: Re: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:23 pm 
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Well..if we're going to toss out facts or statistics for others to consider, perhaps an occasional update should be made. Granted (for newbs unfamiliar with top battles) things can change dramatically with a single tick and the top is always a hard fought battle on many levels which affects scores, power rankings, etc. It is defintely going to be an interesting round to say the least. Strong, active players on both sides coupled with tremendous skill. Both sides know every trick in the book and i sense that both sides quietly hold much respect for each other. Its a great rivalry, but for those who are not familiar, there's no hatred or resentment between the two. It is, after all, only a game.

Currently with all 10 relics released

H1N1 - 5
HQ - 4
ELL - 1

I won't even bother posting scores since one side could be up 1 tick and the other the next. Teams are pretty evenly matched but i will agree that at the present, HQ does have a couple of things to work out in order to maximize team effort. Its no secret, and its being dealt with. With these two powerhouses so evenly matched, I suspect that this round will come down to the team with the best teamwork...not just in the main alliances, but also with the subs and the allies. The team with the best support behind them will pull this one off. I think the best thing to be said about the HQ vs. H1N1 rivalry is that unlike on many of the other worlds, the players on both sides are "clean" players. Which should make it a fun round for everyone to watch and enjoy.

Walk tall and carry a big stick! -- Theodore Roosevelt


 Post subject: Re: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:16 pm 
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Someone plz post some BR's here.H1N1 are very near and a 63 crystals lost already


 Post subject: Re: HQ vs H1N1
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:03 am 
First Lieutenant
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HQ has lost the war to H1N1
Relic holds
1) H1N1 (7 relics)
3) ELL ( 1 relic)
6) H1NE (2 relics)

This round isnt going to be over for a long time. As the this was decied by us (H1N1 family)

The Italian Mafia


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