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 Post subject: CaRnage declares war on AoD
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:48 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Posts: 66
You are acting up way too arrogant. There are 2 serious alliances this era. You are the one loosing out of them. Tells enough?

Your politics hurt the era. With 2 pretty strong subs, you still have 2 more close allies to what I hear. You are making ridiculous demands and funny enough hurt more yourself with them, than any other alliance.

You are sniping all other alliances by purpouse, sending little extra or trying to cut in between.

You have built a really offensive 2nd base right next to our hive, we shall not wait for any naps to end for u to use them, but choose to end the boderom from this era.

I rather make sure my tag dies fighting, than for idle and boderom. See you in F1.

This shall be a lecture to learn to respect. We arent here to win, but we can sure help deside the one doing so.

Tencunson, you seem like a decent fellow, make sure your alliance follows you more closely in the future.

Love and good fight. regardless of the lenght of it.
- Ave


If the opponent resists, CaRnage there will be!


 Post subject: Re: CaRnage declares war on AoD
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:09 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:51 am
Posts: 7
My friend, you are in a huge mistake, believe me.

I never did ridiculous demands, the treaty we have with BoS is because they have broken our NAP at the beginning like stupids. I had patience with them because I know VD and give him the time to settle BoS internal problems.

I could have killed BoS at that time, but I choose not to do it because I know what happens when one of your guys go crazy ....
But when you broke a NAP you must support the consequences, thats why I setup the borders with VD and he agree with that!

I really want to know from you one ridiculous demand I did...

Snipping ... everybody is snipping arround this era, so you can blame all the other alliances.

We built that base there because we supose to protect the border we have with BoS. We could have killed you so easilly, you know this, but I choose not to do it because I wanted to respect the deal with BoS.
And don't give me this excuse, please! Nobody stopped you to relocate your hive if you wanted to respect the deal between our alliances, like I did!

Your position was determined by your main alliance faults, so don't blame me for this!

And yes, we are allies with most of the strong alliances because I have so many friends arround here.
You don't know me, but you can find out asking arround: I NEVER backstabed and ally, I NEVER broked a NAP and I ALWAYS keep my word! Thats why my word counts and people respect me.
There are a bunch of guys like me in F4, many of them are leaders of the top alliances or members in those alliances.
Even if sometimes the faith drive us in separate alliances, even if we fight against each other we always respect each others and remain friends.

What you did demonstrates you have balls, which I appreciate, I only hope you are not the "instrument" of BoS, this would be really sad.
I like you and your attitude and even if some of my teammates call you a "backstabber" I don't for the moment, until I find out the truth behind this.

If you are fighting just for your alliance you have my respect and friendship.
If don't, its your loss, not mine, because the people in F4 will know that you are just a simple guy who was manipulated.

This war will be shorter then you might hope, but lets enjoy whats left in it.

Good luck


 Post subject: Re: CaRnage declares war on AoD
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:51 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Posts: 66
Yeah you have surely earned and worked hard for all those friends and trusted allies. But it also makes the world stagnate. I was quickly forced to pick a sub form, or the tag would have died before it had 10 members.

We owe some gratitude to BoS from that.

The treaty was only ensuring either of you could even possibly fight from the #1 spot.

You are right about the balls, wrong about thinking I would be anyones muppet. I am just not one to waste time on random roiding, while most of you seem to be very cool about it. How many of the new starting players do u think will keep on playing? After beeing repeatedly raped for 1000+ ticks, before anything happens. If anything will ever happen in this server.

With this war I have probably gotten more entertaiment than half of you will during the whole era.

As I said you are a cool guy, but I cant say the same about half of your team. Judging by the way they express themselves.

Peace... I mean war...
- Ave

If the opponent resists, CaRnage there will be!


 Post subject: Re: CaRnage declares war on AoD
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:11 am 
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Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:16 am
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