Hey guys and girls. I hope the heat of CE is getting to everybody. I was back to play the CE seriously but things didnt go as i planned. I am in some eras atm and i would say F1 as it is a 1 ticker and takes time .
I played with many players including nubs, pros, actives , inactives and everyone. Some people hate me while some play a round only if i play together. My time on bd was amaizing and i had a blast. My first experience of bd was when a mate of mine told me to make a castle for him on an online game just to give him one conquer that would increase his production. Later i began to undersatand the game and began to enjoy it. I started my first era on my mates sub but i ended getting 2 relics + 48 crystals . It encouraged me and i got attached to the game.
My aim was to get the top 1 red medal but i never had time to play such a serious round so i never tried it. I won some eras and lost many and i think everybody has the same experience. I will never forget the sleepless nights of war, my skype flooding and my iphone getting hang. There was a different excitement when we won a battle and a different pain when we lost a battle. The excitement people had when a new chat was made on skype for a future era and all the hate and debate regarding players and the game. I trolled many eras and i dont know what is troll or serious round but i speak the words of a battledawner as i am one.
This F1 would be my last era. Sometimes i will pop in to read on the forums. Till than all the players, admins and all my friends & foes. GoodBye from the NuB WB