Frankly, I never wanted a war with CAE. It does no good for me. So, I offered NAP till tick 500. CAE leader, backed by TBS broke it and started a meaningless war. But what is worst of all is revealed in the following conversation between me and CAE leader on yahoo after he relocated. I really think leaders like these should be boycotted from BD by all players. Please read the follwing conversation:
arissh: so you desert your people... so sad
arissh: i expected you to atleast keep the honor of CAE by standing and fighting no the come with =P
arissh: now everybody will call you coward
arissh: lol and i now joining TBs and will destroy u
arissh: ROFL
arissh: ha ha ha
arissh: TBS did not come for your help.. did they?
arissh: i think someone will like your crystals more than you as a member
arissh: so what did you get by fighting MGH? i ran wit units so they will have a fight
arissh: silly you well u guys lost 900 troops
arissh: MGH losing units dont help you
arissh: does it?
arissh: CAE is destroyed.. lol
arissh: a leader should never do so without a good reason cae was a pupet for tbs i was always joining tbs
arissh: i dont know why you could so easily be played with by other alliances i used them to make u weak
arissh: ohh... i didnt know that like i said i know tbs leader in real life
arissh: so Xanthos has agreed to take you in?
arissh: or kill you for your crystals? take me in he will never kill me
arissh: but you dont even have an invite
arissh: how silly of Xanthos.
arissh: good luck my friend.
arissh: I think you should keep running because other people may come for you. i do have an invite from him...
arissh: dear friend, TBS has 12 members for a long time. How can he invite you? He has to kick one to even send you invite.
arissh: anyway, good luck. I just feel sorry for the people in CAE who believed in you and here you are, working for TBS all along. sad I guess. good luck.

Please leave your comments. I myself, being another leader, is speechless.
Arif of BengalUtopia