Hey all I'm certain none of you remember me, mostly because I played so long ago and never really accomplished anything. Well I've been thinking about coming back, and I want to finally win an era. So I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer for me. More is better, if you don't have much time, I'd rather you going into detail about one of the questions then just saying 4 word sentences for each questions. Now that I'm done rambling here are my questions:
I've been reading in forums a lot recently, and every so often I see people saying that their team was a pick up team and didn't do any preparations before hand. My question is what preparations are needed before an era? What do you need to plan before hand that some people use as a half excuse for not winning an era?
Even though I said I accomplsihed nothing, I've been in alliances where we were ranked number 2/3 for a while. But everytime we got pooped on, and it seemed that the alliance's that beat us were always more prepared for the war than we were, they seemed a lot more organized. My question is what preparations do you guys take going into a war?
My last question is about resources. In BD, having a high resource production rate is very important. What are the different things that give you more metal/oil/workers and what are the things that lower your production? Also if there is some kind of formula for resource production that would be great because I think formulas are a good visual for me.
Sorry for the long post I thought it would be better for one long one than 3 different ones. I appreciate all answers and hope to soon conquer you all