to Lil conquer(who msg me whenever he plays a world being friendly as hell) and anyone else.
brandon was the one who invited me in Toxc so i can get the win he crazy suicided and took from me..LMAO complete bs your opinion like ive told you before..ive never cared who you are nor what you can do..i told you that in Toxc when you had control and you did nothing..i dont see you i dont care for you
why do you feel the need to justify your word?if i say i have 50 its my seens it matters to you but i dont seem to care LOL..lil conquer ive seen your start...stop it..leave..disapear waste of breathe..take care now
..and like i told you in Toxc what your boasting you did has already been done by a mojority of BD..step back and breathe kid your walking an already paved path built for for my 50th wins thats my achievement dont believe it?oh well life in BD goes on...HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE..step up or get put down k baby
this new generation throws money at a screen get top 2 or spend there whole wallet for a top alliance position..knowing that the only reason your accepted in an alliance is because you have MONEY..i like the feeling of knowing im here i dont boost and yet im still able to join any alliance i want..
theres our difference