There are so many things wrong in this server, like crazy leaders who don't know how to lead!
I received this message earlier from Edwin!

Never in ALL the alliances i have been in have i ever been kicked because i cant relocate!
In another Fantasy server F3, i was conquered and i had to relocate!
My leader in F3 has a brain and wouldn't kick me just because i couldn't relocate yet!
And funnily enough i recovered from that and im Rank 26
Please learn to lead before you come back asking me to be in your alliance, but i think after this i couldn't let myself be so stupid to say yes
Its not all about Rank and how you do at the start of the round! A lot of alliances start rubbish and finish well!
Lets just state a few things about you here Edwin and the mistakes you have made so far with the alliance
1) Failure to get guys to make relocation ops early on
2) Inactivity
3) Kicking/admitting members...making a mess of the region
4) Also, as members we get no info regarding our status with outsiders or a future plan
5) Probably the most important one...... most of us were not even told that the pod plan wasn't happening so a lot of us made colonies in totally different places!
Im already betting that the alliance will not last long due to these things having a massive impact on the members!
The fact that you are hardly ever online to lead an alliance with good members in it is an epic fail
All the best Edwin
Day of Darkness