Aulpay wrote:
The justification is that this colonies where joining us are our subs one of them lol and spartan i did not steal your relic you called the relic and anyone else reading this please tell me if you can call a relic? you have a bigger army then me and you should have been satisfied with that and u freaking left your alliance to join merc i had been in MERC and u did not deserve the relics anyways but that is not even y i took it it is because i had been going for that relic for 100 or more ticks using my oil energy and metal and workers building ops and moving squads and making lost armour units and i did not think my work should go to waste by just giving it to you it had nuthing to do with rc fantasy either i just said tht like i mailed u on m2 because someone asked me to do that but if calling me a backstabber makes you fell strong go ahead i really do not care because first of all i was in the alliance so i was not backstabbing just being kinda selfish but not really tht either merc is the backstabbers kicked me conquered me killed my army even tho i joined an allied alliance and i am still getting attacked even tho yall took my relics crystals and killed my units.. u also backstabbed all your allys on rc fantasy so please never again call ME backstabber. Thank YOU

firstly , RC doesnt count for anything ... and this topic is not about RC , but if u want to dry drag me threw the mud i will repsond
RC , fantasy .... we did not backstab anyone , naps were canceled so the world could fight us and see if we could win , alliances were told 2 days prior to us attacking anyone , and we still beat 3 of the top allian ce all at once
also in RC u are the backstabber who attacked a friendly alliances relic . it was my relic so i would know , i lost it to you and when asked u said it was an accident attack . but u sent ur msg a leader saying otherwise and tht we would not war you for it . you were wrong noob
and in RC mars , you really cant talk , its rc and i wanted a relic i was fighting all the wars while you did nothing but fulfill ur slefish needs , i ask if i could have a certain relic 2 ticks later u gate by it and take it , then i so ok no worries and ask if i could have a different relic , then right after u gate in USING MY GATE I BUILT and took it , when asked you said you did it because i conquered u in RC fantasy , i told leader i would not play with such a noob and such a selfish player , the leader choose to keep me in the alliance and you were kicked for your actions ... so dont come and open your mouth if u were in the wrong everytime
aulpay , it is rc your talking about they arnt even real servers , if u wana cry coz i beat u in them server go ahead . dont bad mouth me coz u suck and are greedy and play for yourself and not as a team
leanr to play before u bad mouth me