Now, this is a rather weird request, but I really need help.
We have this project on transportation in our uni, and we all have to submit ideas etc. Now I have this idea, only I have the problem that I don't know anyone that is good graphically. As you will soon see, I myself am the worst person to ask for graphics, so I need help.
Basically what I need is a drawing/artwork of.. A truck being transported. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but I hope this image helps.

That, only flat entirely and with the wheels spread out so that it can support the weight of a full truck. It still needs the things that hold the wheels in place.
So yeah.. I need to have a drawing/artist rendition of what I just described. And as after half an hour what I managed to get is this:

Alternative link:
.. you can see why I need help.
Anyway, anyone that can help me with this? I'm not in a rush, I have about a week before I have to continue on this. But I know that I can keep trying for a week and it'll still look.. Well, awful.
Thanks a LOT in advance!