lol TFM was our allies to then they just attacked cause they thought we were allies with xKIx. They are just power hungry i noticed right as xKIx Fell they attacked us . the only thing they did to attack xKIx was a little op taking here and there not that we were much better .i did have xKIx marked allies once but then said screw it and then started to go after some ops . the rumor that we were there sub is a lie. i was thinking about joining the sub then thought screw it i wanna lead an allaince so i started Lord (for fun lol) .ohh and by the way infantry owns to vehicles lol. the have better damage . and the damage thing was weird i noticed that and was like what the heck is goin on .lol hope that clears everthing up

ohh and fuli kerss SHUT UP !!! my god you to are like frikin 5 Fuli its just a game dont get to pissed off and kerss y do you always get yelled at or yell at someone lol