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 Post subject: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:41 am 
Second Lieutenant
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Those of you who know me and talk with me daily on skype can attest that I like to drink...alot, and that I sometimes bring my drunken happy fun good times back from the bars and manage to log into Battle Dawn before passing out somewhere in my apartment.

It may seem a bit late posting this, but the words used are quite strong language and I wanted to ensure that the era was well and truly finished (including havoc) before I posted this, so that we could all look back on it fondly and laugh at my words instead of taking offense or anything.

So, the backstory.

Basically this event took place after SAGE had lost a good deal of its army and CBop/the coalition had basically all relocated to Australia just recently. TFM/VND/BEER/+ Co were at the tip of SE Asia and the battle for Indonesia/Vietnam/Thailand area had just begun.

A note, this contains strong, mature, and possibly some inappropriate language though I will be filtering out the explicates as much as I can. For this reason the text will be in a spoiler.

You have been warned.

[2:35:37 AM] Colin Wakefield: in SE Asia
[2:35:49 AM] Colin Wakefield: CBop is taking on both TFM and BEER at the same time
[2:35:53 AM] Colin Wakefield: and so far we are winning
[2:36:00 AM] Colin Wakefield: beause we are ACTIVE
[2:36:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: It goes to show, have an active alliance and you can actually DO S**T
[2:36:20 AM] Colin Wakefield: unlike (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) inactive sage
[2:36:27 AM] Colin Wakefield: GET THE **** ACTIVE SAGE
[2:36:32 AM] Colin Wakefield: GET YOUR S**T TOGETHER
[2:36:32 AM] James: ^
[2:36:43 AM] James: the game will remember you as you play here
[2:36:56 AM] James: pretty sure you dont want to be remembered as inactive idiots who suicided into VND
[2:37:01 AM] James: :|
[2:37:16 AM] Colin Wakefield: CBop and allies will be remembered as the valient alliance who was the only ones capable of matching VND
[2:37:25 AM] Colin Wakefield: do you really want that on your resume
[2:37:30 AM] Colin Wakefield: ge the F*** active
[2:37:36 AM] Colin Wakefield: and play like the players I know you can
[2:37:42 AM] Vahik: I regret for now bringing the real ARM into CE
[2:37:50 AM] Colin Wakefield: I do too Tig
[2:37:55 AM] Colin Wakefield: I honestly wish you hadnt
[2:38:18 AM] Vahik: should have done it tick 1
[2:38:30 AM] Vahik: with my real players. with ARM and aRMT ARMD
[2:38:33 AM] Colin Wakefield: or not at all
[2:38:40 AM] Vahik: half of my players are on the foe side
[2:38:51 AM] Colin Wakefield: GML are a bunch of pu*** (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..)
[2:38:57 AM] Colin Wakefield: who arent willing to fight
[2:39:03 AM] Colin Wakefield: they can go F*** THEMSELVES
[2:39:17 AM] Vahik: GML has a nap with VND
[2:39:30 AM] Colin Wakefield: says mineth "we will be ready to wage war in 1-2 weeks"
[2:39:34 AM] Colin Wakefield: GO F*** YOURSELF MINETH
[2:39:44 AM] Colin Wakefield: GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR A$$
[2:39:49 AM] Colin Wakefield: Just like SAGE should have done
[2:39:51 AM] Colin Wakefield: tick 200
[2:39:53 AM] Vahik: when did he say that?
[2:40:00 AM] Colin Wakefield: when CBop killed VNDs entire army
[2:40:13 AM] Colin Wakefield: and SAGE was in postion to kill VND
[2:40:19 AM] Colin Wakefield: you guys F***ED YOURSELVES
[2:40:22 AM] Colin Wakefield: because you are (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..)
[2:40:30 AM] Colin Wakefield: You cant read a damn war worth a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..)
[2:40:43 AM] Colin Wakefield: Learn to play better
[2:40:54 AM] Colin Wakefield: because boosting will only get you so far.
[2:42:33 AM] Colin Wakefield: Sage, if you have (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) kept to your word and actually attacked VND when the CHANCE was presented itself when CBop killed ALL of their armor + 75% of their range units
[2:42:37 AM] Colin Wakefield: you could have WON this era
[2:42:42 AM] Colin Wakefield: instead you were lazy bastards
[2:42:52 AM] Colin Wakefield: and said "hey we can just boost to the win and kill them anytime"
[2:42:54 AM] Colin Wakefield: F*** YOU
[2:43:10 AM] Colin Wakefield: You dont know how (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) military tactics work
[2:43:14 AM] Colin Wakefield: you had your ONE chance
[2:43:36 AM] Colin Wakefield: CBop provided it for you, and it was the PERFECT chance to swiftly kill VND
[2:43:48 AM] Colin Wakefield: instead you wait an extra 500 ticks before declaring war on them
[2:44:27 AM] Colin Wakefield: F***ING BUNCH OF (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) A** NOOBS WHO CANT SEE 1 TICK INTO THE FUTURE, LET ALONE EVEN BE ONLINE WHEN AN ATTACK IS LANDING END OF TICK
[2:44:31 AM] Colin Wakefield: Jesus f***ing Christ
[2:44:35 AM] Colin Wakefield: YOU SUCK
[2:44:46 AM] Vahik: calm down bud
[2:44:50 AM] Colin Wakefield: No
[2:44:57 AM] Colin Wakefield: If sage had actually been decent
[2:45:05 AM] Vahik: I have seen thngs such as this happen, I ahve always felt ARM has been among the few fighting till the end
[2:45:07 AM] Colin Wakefield: then this war would be ENTIRELY different
[2:45:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: I will fight
[2:45:19 AM] Vahik: so we are fighting, lets fight with the people we still have
[2:45:24 AM] Colin Wakefield: I will fight until the bitter end
[2:45:24 AM] Vahik: yes it would
[2:45:31 AM] Vahik: we had hopes on sold and many more
[2:45:31 AM] Colin Wakefield: I do not play for 2nd or 3rd place
[2:45:36 AM] Colin Wakefield: I play for 1st or for nothing
[2:45:36 AM] Vahik: neither do I
[2:45:45 AM] Vahik: I want vnd down, rest I do not give a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) about
[2:45:48 AM | Edited 2:45:52 AM] James: colin, you're wasted mate :P
[2:45:50 AM] Colin Wakefield: SoLD will never join us
[2:45:55 AM] Colin Wakefield: they have said as mucch
[2:46:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: if you are counting on sold then you are living in a dreamworld
[2:46:20 AM] Colin Wakefield: they cant even take out PAIN!
[2:46:24 AM] Colin Wakefield: SoLD sucks!
[2:46:43 AM] Lady Cathryn: he he
[2:47:00 AM] Colin Wakefield: But I will fight, I will fight until there is nothing left in me, I will fight until I have 0 population and no resources
[2:47:04 AM] Colin Wakefield: I will fight until the VERY LAST
[2:47:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: I DO NOT play "battle hugs" and hand over relics
[2:47:17 AM] Colin Wakefield: to ANYBODY
[2:47:56 AM] Colin Wakefield: Anyone who plays that way in any world looses all respec I might have had for them
[2:48:00 AM] Colin Wakefield: its a WAR GAME
[2:48:07 AM] Colin Wakefield: you FIGHT
[2:48:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: f*** the blues you get for 2dn or 3rd place
[2:48:36 AM] Colin Wakefield: and if you are playing in a serious alliance but are not willing to be active
[2:48:43 AM] Colin Wakefield: then GET THE F*** OUT OF THAT ALLIANCE
[2:49:11 AM] Vahik: the former sage leader, dose he even play?
[2:49:14 AM] Vahik: platinum sage
[2:49:15 AM] Colin Wakefield: Any leader that allows an inactive in theri alliance is a failure of a leader in my opnion
[2:49:26 AM] Colin Wakefield: he does, but not on skpye
[2:49:29 AM] Felix: no need to hate sage, they hate themselves already for their performance here :P
[2:49:36 AM] Colin Wakefield: I love Karl but he never talks on skype
[2:50:18 AM] Colin Wakefield: Sorry Felix, nothing personal....actually it is personal. I expected better of you guys. CBop GIFTED you the win when we took out 75%+ of VNDs army
[2:50:28 AM] Colin Wakefield: and yet you just sat back like a bunch of pricks
[2:50:48 AM] Colin Wakefield: YOU lost this era
[2:51:34 AM] Colin Wakefield: CBop has formed a reputation for itself that no one on battle dawn can deny, our reputation is impeccible, and it is revered. We fought against ALL the odds and managed to do what NO ONE else could have ever done
[2:51:44 AM] Colin Wakefield: we STILL manage to do what SAGE cannot
[2:51:56 AM] Colin Wakefield: despie loosing our army 2-3 times PER MEMBER
[2:51:58 AM] Felix: true
[2:52:01 AM] Colin Wakefield: we STILL fight on
[2:52:04 AM] Colin Wakefield: and are ACTIVE
[2:52:23 AM] Colin Wakefield: and hold back BEER/TFM by ourselves, while sage just sits and gathers forces
[2:53:06 AM] Felix: yes it sucks
[2:54:16 AM] Felix: i can only agree with you, but what what should i do?
[2:55:08 AM] Colin Wakefield: reform alliances
[2:55:14 AM] Colin Wakefield: get all actives in a single alliance
[2:55:24 AM] Colin Wakefield: CBop can hold the line all by ourselves while this is done

Anyways, like they say, a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts.

I honestly remember none of this and was pointed out about my rant the following afternoon after I awoke to one hell of a hangover. Though I do think my spelling for being completely blackout was quite supurb! Go muscle memory.

-Colin Wakefield (AKA Hannibal of Carthage AKA Vincent Volaju)


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:48 am 
Lieutenant Major
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Ha you should do a e4 druken rant sometime :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:11 am 
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RupertAngier wrote:
Ha you should do a e4 druken rant sometime :lol:

I'm sure it is coming. Infact, I am going to the bars tonight, so keep yourself online incase I pop on!


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:16 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:17 am 
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Post your E4 chat with Gold. DO EET!!!

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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:59 am 
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thechessshark13 wrote:
Post your E4 chat with Gold. DO EET!!!

Oh god...No, no I shall not.


CBop - Member/Leader (Champs Era)
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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:39 pm 
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Always been a fan of a good drunk steam blow-off.


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 Post subject: Re: My Drunken CE Rant
PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:02 pm 
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Let the drunken anger out! :D




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