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 Post subject: Facts straight
PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:38 pm 
First Lieutenant
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Earlier on in the era, I handed leadership over to Ownaje Sr and he declared war on AOD unjustifiedly. I took back control, dealt with him, and gave up to AOD, because it was the right thing to do. We had a lot of talks for a deal, and as I surrendered I merely asked for mercy. True enough, I told AOD they could demand for anything as long as our armies and colonies were spared, which is what surrendering means. So, they asked for all mines up to a certain fronteer, for our member XY to relocate, and ofc for us not to attack you guys as long as this new deal was kept. Sure enough, we had talked about other terms, but ultimately, you yourself Tecunson, told me these were the parts of our deal. I accepted them, and then we should had been on equal terms: I fulfilled my end of the bargain, we didn't defend any mine up to the line you specified, and XY relocated, as well as Truth. In turn our former NAP was restored, in which you wouldn't attack the BoS family nor our brother alliances.

Even so, your members took our ops on the west island. Not part of the deal, but I saw it as fair and did not reject it. I felt that was an acceptable loss for me to restore good faith between us. Even so, your members still attacked our regular ops after that, and we had to be knocking on your door everytime reminding you of our deal. That was fine too, it was part of the process. The situation where your member did a dragon lair on our land, I don't know what the hell that member was thinking. On a future event, Truth did an op on the west island, and it was swiftly taken and even dragoned: you claimed it was the situation as when I personally took that dragon lair. I'm sorry to call you ignorant but how can a silo 7 ticks to my colony be compared to an op Truth made 51 ticks from ANY AOD colony, which was also by one of Truth's conquers? Have fun explaining that. Such attacks on our op were just condescendent acts on us. Even still, this isn't the cause of our current situation.

Before Truth made an op there and got so rudely treated though, YOU, and I mean you as in AOD, broke our NAP. OMG NOOOOOOO, WE DONT DO THAT! Well, I don't know if you did so out of malice or ignorance; on other times, I'd say ignorance, but nowadays I'm not too sure; but, you attacked TOYK. Although I have no proof, I'm fairly certain I made you know directly from me that they were our brother alliance a long time ago. You still ravaged them later on, completely destroy their armies, dragoned their colonies. So congratulations, you now have the Sucessfully Backstabbed achievement. *clap* *clap*

So, now to the issue at hand. BoS2 was full aware of this. I talked to my subs about repercusions about this, but we kept our patience. I certainly wanted to do something about it, and so did my members, but I found us too inactive for that. Eventually though, BoS2 leader Avenger got bored of this, and decided to attack by himself, even though I tried at everytime that he didn't. He changed of tag to show he disobeyed my wishes in attacking you guys. EVEN THEN, our radars get spammed by one of the guys I trusted most in your alliance, Skipwith. So, if the TOYK event wasn't enough, you drag us yourselves into this war. You can call us backstabbers, trash, I don't care: the trash here is you AOD, and I mean AOD in general, because I don't know if it's your leader, some of your members, or all of your members. But now's not the time for me to go wondering off who's good and who's bad. I'm also done with waiting: we will kill you guys and then take rank 2, in that order. And if we die killing you, we will drag you along with us. If you think I'm lying when I say I'm doing this for honor, know I've never cared what anyone says about me, as only I and a few those who truly understand know if I'm truly right or not. You can stick your bullcrap you know where, as well as your armies, and if not, we're more than willing to do it for you. VD out.

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: Facts straight
PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:46 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Posts: 66
yay, the big chief is finally on the run ;)

If the opponent resists, CaRnage there will be!


 Post subject: Re: Facts straight
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:55 am 
Lieutenant Major
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Fighting words Mr.Vaulty. Good luck both sides.


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