Dear BattleDawners,
I know some of you from last round aren't playing this round and I don't blame you. M is back and headed by Me and BMJ (As king carlos retired for a few rounds). We started off around 5th and quickly started to do work in the political game and adding new members. We then jumped to first and started to make a huge gain on DW while the other allinaces were just starting to fill up we had a huge waiting list. We sezied control of the whole middle (South to middle north) and started to double DW's score (2nd.) As our sub M1 was headed by marine and they started to move up to the 5th postion when DW's leader (joels) decied that it was okay to attack thier closet allie's sub member who was rank 21 and had 14 crystals. Well we jump around 90 squads down thier in one night and delcared war on them. We waited about 24 ticks before we started our first attack. We got to thier hive (about 40 ticks from ours) without fighting a single unit. DW fell within 10 ticks and by then thier whole allinace was conquered while M lost very few units. At the same time TNA/FPR started getting big (M's newest closet allies). As AIF and GAUL members were trying to jump ship into M, M only accepted two of them (Monster and RedHand) but Redhand join XIRX (Another close allie). We told GAUL if they attacked RedHand it would be war, well guess what. VN attacks RedHand and so we delcare war upon GAUL. We started to move west in about 3-4 days. It took us upon around 50ish ticks to move our army next to thier hive. Then we enterted thier hive 10 ticks later. We quickly gathered our units and once we all landed on our outpost in thier hive we attacked VN. Here was the battle report:
Attackers :
Army worth : 733500 gold, 303200 lumber and 4303 soldiers.
Loses : 322950 gold, 121550 lumber and 2014 soldiers.
Performance : 53%
Defenders :
Army worth : 508400 gold, 199300 lumber and 3091 soldiers.
Defenders lost all
It was about half of our units against all of GAUL's. Some membes lost a good amount of units but each of us gained around 8 crystals.
Now when we returned from the attack half of us aimed at thier leader (Me included) and the other half aimed at thier former leader. Well this tick (643) marks the tick when GAUL's leader is conquered. Here is the battle report:
Attackers :
Army worth : 242850 gold, 112050 lumber and 1308 soldiers.
Attackers lost no units.
Defenders :
Army worth : 7200 gold, 600 lumber and 66 soldiers.
Defenders lost all units.
GAUL literally has no army left. Now we will aim at thier sub (Which is ranked higher of them of crouse and then finsih off the area which will increase our power by ALOT because of all the newb colonies they had conquered). Now I know M isn't the same as last era and GAUL isn't the same. But I still feel like this M has been amazing. We are all very active and I think this was the best team I have played on in a long long time. I could see this team going head to head with the oringal KoTU and actually do very good against them, and that is a very respectful team.
M is now the control of the world as all top 13 alliances are beggin to becomea allies. M has the second place score (TNA) doubled. FPR is in thrid and M1 is in fourth. While the top 4 allinaces are super tight with each other the only problem we ahve left is when the relics come out, we will have to grab them all and I know a few people won't like that. I gotta say, this was a quick war (GAUL,AIF,DW). And this M of this era has been amazingly outstanding while I think we have had a total of 5 boost in 643 ticks. That shows how much talent we have as a group too.

The leader of M,
The Return..