Hello everyone, tis I, Robin Hood. Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead, and am in fact still interested in BattleDawn.
Activity has hit an all time low for me, now that I'm officially permanent party of the Air Force, and I'll be in Hawaii starting August 3rd *coughcomevisitforcheapcough*. I'll spend time doing my job, and of course golfing, surfing, biking... you name it. It's Hawaii, people, you gotta forgive me for not being all that active on BD. >_>
I still enjoy playing, so if anybody has room for a semi-active veteran in their alliance, feel free to toss me a message on MSN:
[email protected], or just message me on the forums. I'm an asset to any team as a negotiator, if you need one, and an overall good guy to play with. I play for fun, not necessarily to win (though winning definitely constitutes as a good time.

) Any takers?