Actually, Kenny, Micheal just stated that people will get their donator bonuses

--Edit, actually, it was Andrew but Micheal posted it for him for some reason.--
After much thought we've decided to allow all old Earth 1 supporters to transfer their bonuses to the new Earth 1. Due to the new system having a different supporting system though it will not be a direct transfer, instead there will be bonus resources given based on the total amount of purchases in the old earth 1. This will be done on an individual basis so any supporters from the old Earth 1 who wish to switch must message me in order to have this done. Please message me in the old Earth 1 from the account that you wish to move to the new Earth 1. I will take care of deleting your old account once you are ready for the move. This is not undo-able though so think carefully before choosing to switch to the new client as you cannot get your bonuses transferred back! If you have already deleted your old account on old Earth 1 to join new Earth 1 and you had purchased a package in that world you can still get the bonuses transferred, contact me with the method you used to purchase the package and any confirmations you received so that I can track the purchases and apply your bonus. For any other questions please PM me on either the new or old forums(My forum name is "Andrew" in both) or in-game via the old or new Earth 1 admin colony. Thanks for your patience in the matter and good luck on whatever world you choose to play!