i am looking for experienced players that would like to join a new alliance next era that i am creating.i have myself and my brother already so i am looking for 12 others that want to be in a great alliance next era. i would like people that support at least a little. but not necessary. i have been playing 3 years on the old client and have been in alot of great alliances and have played with many great players from the old client. this current round has been my first since they made the new client. so i hope that some old members that i have played with before will sign up here. i expect it to be a top 3 alliance and a major power. i have a good starting spot picked out and will tell you where in a private message or msn. the alliance name will be "The Brotherhood alliance" and tag will be "BH". the alliance i have now started at tick 2000 and now is in the 8th in ranking.
So if you want to sign up i will need you to tell me
how much experience you have?
how active are you? signing in 1 time a day isnt active enough for this alliance so dont ask if you can join please.
and also if you will support?
and tell me your msn addy please so we can talk faster.

thanks to all who sign up and i promise it will be a good round not a boring one.
And also i will be looking for a sub leader if needed.