Hello everyone.
tl;dr; version: Battledawn became too addictive, and I have to quit playing. But I'm curious what people thought about Adam of Garden and his alliance OIL.
Long version:
I havn't been playing battledawn too long, but I quickly enjoyed it. (as you can see I started in May) I found myself logging into the game every 20 minutes or so. And when the hour long ticks came out, I figured I would be able to balance my work/game/life better. But that only made me log in every 40 minutes, for 30 minutes at a time (yes the math doesn't work

). So I need to stop playing.
However, I'm curious what people thought of OIL and Adam of Garden. Did you think my strategy was working? Did I appear to be experienced? A noob? Thoughts? Opinions?
I'm not sure if OIL is going to continue in the same direction or not, and the alliance had lots of great people. I could not have gotten where I got without them. I was shocked when I found myself in first place, and even more shocked when I was able to get up to rank 8 after losing everything one night while I slept.
Good luck to all the alliances I had contact with.
Enjoy battledawn, balance your life