well, Allen, i do not believe a made fool of anyone else but for NO for coming to forums and complain about loosing 50 apcs more than they could had if the relic was in reach of your nukes, all posted and defended so fiercefully, one would think it was the end of the world... that makes you drama queens
as to the GF, it was not only one NO player and not only one GF player and not only 5 OPs ...
and telling us how you got control of NA, do not make me laugh, you did that by taking OPs of two of our members who had few squads there just opportunistically taking the area, while we were engaged in taking the Asia... it is rather sad to see you actually believe in taking the area we chose not to defend as an achievement... it is rather pathetic.
you as NO achieved absolutely nothing, when we were fighting AD, you only took the ground that was not occupied by us, since then you made no progress and as far as i can recall, it was you asking for a NAP...was that because you were gaining grounds so fast :O?
face it, all you were ever able to do, was to group up and hold ground and you used other 2 alliances to fight us so you could hold that ground; they did more fighting that NO ever had; in addition you were consolidating crystals and disposing with members of several alliances... all this is normal, we seen it before done in despair by losing alliances, but let's name it as it is.. you achieved absolutely nothing ...
please just crawl back to your hole and play "let's make pretend"
Okay so since Ilona locked the topic

Again you are making an absolute fool of yourself. My arguments completely flew over your head. Like I said before, we did not come here to argue about an extra 50 APCs. I mean it wasnt even connected with GIFT or its "achievements". We came here to talk about how an Admin's decision affected our ingame options. Would that be clear enough for you?
As for GF yes it was just 5 outposts. Oh wait it could have been 6 !!

How terribly wrong can I be huh?
I didn't tell you anything about how we got control of NA. I did not brag about it, I did not explain, how we took your gates and radars. I simply said we had to take your infrastructure, which is what happened. Yes you were fighting SNN in Asia, and we needed our space. As soon as we built up, we saw TC attacking all of our outposts, so we defended it and we needed the space so we took out whatever GIFT outposts and other alliance outposts there were. This is all I said and you go on to run your mouth about it being an achievement for us. Where did you read anything at all, that suggested that, that was an achievement? Or maybe is it the fact that BD proves to be something of a substitute for you in real life, that you take ingame victories as "achievements" and choose to judge everyone at your level?
Now we weren't here to talk about NO's achievements. We were here to talk about something else, and you started trolling out of the blue, for no reason, about something that wasn't even connected with the discussion. Yes, we had far less units than you guys had. I mean lets face facts, you guys had what 400 squads of tanks?! We had like 100 lol. And we obviously couldn't get into a fight with you, so we just held our ground. In the process yes we lost a few armies due to being careless and we killed one of yours for the same reasons. As for the other 2 alliances attacking you, why are you being so sour? You have seen it many times so just shut it, and fight!. Why are you whining about it?
secondly, we still do not control 90% of resource OPs after taking SA and AA, which makes your argument a heap of rubbish, well, may i describe it better....as a sore losers moan...
why you put blame on admin for your failure of not doing better?
you are still alive because you had "then" alliances no 2 and 3 doing your fights for you and still not making any progress. Those 2 alliance do not longer exist, you do because you asked for a NAP.
Now, as for the resource outposts, OMG, Avi committed a crime by not calculating exact figures. What shall we do about it? I think we will hang Avi now.
Now as for your claim that we put the blame on the Admin for not doing better, can you please justify it? Can you quote specific instances or sentences from previous arguments and explain clearly how you came to that conclusion? I am all ears, and I am willing to point out if you are making a mistake. But let me summarize it for you, since you seem to get your head up your ass quite easily. We DID NOT blame the admins for anything. We only told Seth that his decision, interfered with options we had ingame. If you dont understand that lemme know, Ill translate it in Slovene and post it here.
You say we asked for a NAP. Let us consider that to be true. Why did you accept it? You definitely didn't ask for it, so you did not need it right? Why did you accept it? Any reasons? I mean come on, lets face facts, you had far more than us. Heck you had more than us, AD and others combined who were fighting you. You had a seperate Vehicle army and you had only Tanks in SA. So why, OH WHY, did you offer us the NAP? Ill tell ya why, you needed more time to build up, take relics, consolidate your forces, get people who were vacationing back. So dont act as if you did us a favor, you did not. Infact GIFT till date hasn't achieved anything apart from killing 3 armies while losing 1 of theirs and 10 odd squads more, and of course it was a good job done (I always give credit where it is due, unlike you Juno

). As for us, we did what we COULD do against superior numbers, that is hold our ground. That is hardly dishonorable. And it is quite appreciable considering that we had so less and yet we were able to hold our ground. But no, I wouldn't take that as an achievement. Achievements ingame are for people like you, that choose to bottle themselves up in private, and choose to yell from inside a hole, how great they really are