so era 35 started on F2 with alliances galactic empire (ge), unblessed (unb), and DD (death dealers) occupying the 1st 2nd and 3rd places respectively....
bunch of big names like michael, ourania, Nero, shroom, ewok, talyn had formed a an alliance TROLL and were trolling on F2
war started between GE and UNB around tick 30 in which both sides fought aggressively for like 50 ticks, then UNB asked for a nap and said that they were going for 2nd rank now so unb and ge became allies for the whole era
then strange things started to happen, it seemed that unb had changed chassis from mechs to infantry and looked like they were preparing for a big war on GE as ge were cav......
small wars happened and the era started 2 form into an interesting one, GE took a huge lead on unb with DD and TTT following
then unb declared war on DD around tick 450, and for 300 ticks, these 2 allies fought wat u can call a lazy and inactive war..
DD managed 2 trap and kill some units of UNB
here are the brs

sage mode also died but i cant find the br

meanwhile garrisons and relics were released and due 2 which GE and TTT got huge leads over DD and unb as they were engaged in wars
unb had broken their pact with GE and had started expanding into prohibited territory, ge told unb leader Shakespeare 2 raze those ops but it was ignored
at the end on tick 727 GE declared war on unb, by sending a massive amount of 160 spams breaking the massive unb network
as unb were somewhat un prepared for this they took heavy loses but still managed 2 kill some of GE as they were making anti cav since their chassis change giving pure reasons that they were gonna back stab
here are some brs
1st kill by GE, skull breaker

then in order 2 weaken members of unb 2 members of GE suicided onto unb

the 3rd kill by GE, drugs member of unb

and atm Shakespeare leader of unb is locked and about 2 die