Hi, I'm currently leading MoDE alliance on e3, thats currently in HAVOC.
when the new era starts, i will be leading the new alliance UF.
As this alliance is again located in the south-west corner of Australia, we will be having a main ally on our right.
I'm also making allies with strong alliances so we can grow strong quickly.
I've got some rules you need to follow, just to keep the alliance active and strong. More info will follow as my first mass.
what i expect of this era is that i will control Australia, this will be my first priority. Then we willl expand in to antartica, indonesia and further in to asia.
With the new allies ill be making, we will not having any wars in the first 1000 ticks. This is what I will need to take care of.
If your interesting in joining this alliance. give me a shout.
I have currently room for 4 more players. be active, be in australia and be experienced. thats all i ask.
