Ok. I promise.. This is the last time I will evaluate an era.. It is just from my point of view. The way I experienced some events, and some players. Not only the players in GG. Also some other guys...
I didn't know any of these guys, because I've been away for a couple of years. So I'm not prejudiced. Well... a bit.. As you know I gave my opinion about all GG and NJOY players previous era. Previous era I was part of NJOY; this era GG gave me the opportunity to look in their kitchen.
So let's start with
Era 67 Legend, previous era known as Bucu's Slave, normally known as DR Pole, or short DR, or Pole... pfff. Gave me resources when I lost my fleet.
Pros: Nice guy. No... GREAT guy!! Great player, extremely active, but not the most active guy in the ally. And an awesome leader. One of the best I've ever met. Leadership style can be compared to Ilona. Sense of humor.
Cons: He can be relentless to enemies from previous era's. That's not my style. But maybe he knew them better, expected troubles with them, and wanted to prevent it before it could happen.
DND aka Bucuresti. When I gave my opinion about him in a previous post about era 67, I already said he is one of the most experienced players active now on Galaxy. He wasn't active at all this era. Hardly seen him do anything. He needed a break, or had to because of his work, or both. Not sure.
Pros: Tactically and strategically one of the best players available now.
Cons: I experienced Bucuresti as a cautious guy to strangers (like me). He didn't trust me. Even asked me if I was with or against GG. If I was a spy (which I wasn't, and I've never been), I would have told him I was with him

But seriously, because of the way he approached me till about tick 1000, I can say that I didn't manage to earn his trust. That's how I feel it. He can say the opposite, but he never showed me one way or the other. There was just no chemistry between us. We just didn't get along. No matter if my impressions are good or not, I still consider his cautiousness as a con, because I think at some point you should give the other the benefit of the doubt.
Dragon Xleeping: He won the previous era. The most active guy in GG. No, the most active guy in G1.
Pros: Extremely active.
Cons: In some cases it appeared to me he was more interested in his own score than in the interests of the ally or his buddies. That's my impression; maybe not the opinion of the other teammates. On the other hand, he is willing to give his three relics to almo, so...I might be wrong??? Maybe... but there were some events where he didn't think about sharing things with his buddies, while I should have done it. So for me this behavior is a con. For others it is winner mentality, which can be considered a pro.
eMo JW: I called her in my previous post the cheerleader of GG. That was not very nice. This era she was occasionally active. Probably because of her work.
Pros: She is kind.
Cons: Like the cons described under Dragon.
almo: not much of a talker, probably because of the language barrier
Pros: One of the best teamplayers around. As I said in my previous post, an asset to every ally. Works hard, very loyal, always willing to help, modest.
Cons: Uhm...
Sparrow: aka Apollo. Part of the core team. Could be quite active from time to time. Gave me resources when I lost my fleet, even while he lost also units and his op, which he upgraded to a TB trying to control the damage. So, great teamplayer.
Pros: Real teamplayer. Sense of humor
Cons: didn't find any..
ClubCollectiv:aka BG Noob. Part of the core team. Could be quite active from time to time. Gave me resources when I lost my fleet.
Pros: Like Sparrow and others, a real teamplayer
Cons: didn't find any..
WSS JW: Part of the core team. Could be quite active from time to time.
Pros: Good teamplayer
Cons: can't think of any.
SleepMode aka NFOE: Part of the core team. Senior experience. Gave me resources when I lost my fleet.
Pros: Great teamplayer
Cons: can't think of any.
WAR: Extremely active, like Dragon and Era 67 Legend. If I remember it well, previous era he made some noob mistakes. Looks like he learned from it. On the other hand there were no ways to challenge it.
Pros: extremely active
Cons: can't think of any.
Karma: Friend of Era 67 Legend. Not very active. Joined GG later as a replacement for Cyb. I think he was the least active person in the ally.
Pros: Uhm...
Cons: Uhm..
As you can see my judgement is based on my experiences with these guys. With some I didn't have much or no experience. In these cases I based my opinion on the way they behaved on ac. My experiences with other guys were described quite extensively.
With DR I would love to play again. Always a pleasure. Same is true for ClubCollectiv, Sparrow, WSS, NFOE, and last but definitely not least A L M O.
With the other guys and girl, hmmm not sure. They all have certain habits that don't appeal to me. Between Bucuresti and me, there is just no chemistry between us. Others showed a negative form of eagerness, except the guys I was positive about.
Now, something completely different:
Hi: aka Sandip. Tried to win my sympathy, and asked me to cooperate in his war against GG. Just lied to me, but justified it by saying it is strategy.
Pros: Can't think of some now..
Cons: Where shall I start... Thinks everything is allowed in this game, and justifies his actions (like lying) by saying it is part of the strategy.
He is one of the few I will never play again with..
war freak: so called legend because he is a HOF guy (Rajpoot). Actually he is not a legend at all. He was part of a friendly ally. In our war against NWO I had to move my squads to safer grounds because it was bedtime, and I needed to work next day. Because his ally (USSR) was friendly I thought it was safe to move my squads to two of their colonies. Next day he locked me with a spy, and ion-ed me twice. Killed 810 units. Of course it is easy to do something like that. Just a matter of planning.
I mailed him and asked him if this was a solo action. He admitted it. However, he wasn't kicked from USSR. So for GG it was clear that USSR supported his action, and we declared war. TRAC joined the party in the war, and soon USSR was history..
So with his action, he ruined the game of his teammates. Changed the outcome of the era. USSR would probably have ended 2nd, but because of their lack of response to the action, they lost everything. For this reason I consider him scum. Not for killing me... A legendary player will never do such a thing. I think he had a close connection with Sandip, because I had an argument with Sandip the day before the attack. Later he joined NWO.
Ok.. That's it. Think my evaluation of the players from GG and certain events is ready. Again, this is just MY opinion. If you have a totally different view on some aspects discussed, just let me know.