Hey all, long time online gamer but pretty new to BD.
The viral model that nWo is using to win by attrition seems like an effective tactic but a bit dodgy. Let's face it, when you have a third of the active participants working together it would seem that victory is assured.
When I was approached to be a member of nWo it was explained to me that the subs are the key to the alliance's success. That the stronger the subs are the better it is for everyone. Makes sense to me.
It was also explained that as individual players in the subs rose to the top ranks they would be shifted from the subs into the central nWo alliance. Don't think that is happening, but the only evidence I have of that is the high score list.
Is it abuse? Nah. Even though individual alliances are limited to 12 members, there is no rule stating that alliances cannot work together for an indefinite period of time. Personally, it seems like an easy way to dominate a world. Surround yourself with scores of players willing to build troops and send them after targets of your choice until, one by one, they fall.
One of the ways I see to counter it is if the non-nWo alliances make a pact to eliminate the nWo subs before going about their business, but I doubt that will happen. It would require alliance leaders to spend the time and effort to actually put aside their differences and to work together. From what I have seen, that isn't going to happen.
So, unless the other alliance leaders are willing to step up and change the way they do things (i.e., evolve) they will all be ground away one at a time.
As for me, I would rather be conquered repeatedly than to follow the masses.