JamAnime87 wrote:
I loose 100% of every battle that freezes. It ain't my connection, nor clearing cache. Believe me, I know because it happened to me over 100 times. I'm getting sick of this.
Solution to this:
When one or the other person account freezes, It should be a "Tie." Make it more fair to each person. If you get another where it freezes, than make it worth one battle won....
For instance, lets give an example:
Description Type Results
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 Tie
VS _____ 1v1 Lose
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 Tie
VS _____ 1v1 Lose
VS _____ 1v1 Lose
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 Tie
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 win
VS _____ 1v1 Tie
Those four "Tie" battles will equal 2 wins. Make it fair this way. Please take this into consideration for a lot a members who loose 100% of freezing battles.
We've just fixed a bug that made the use of a certain drone freeze connections - are you still experiencing this?
While I agree with your sentiment fully, any systems to detect freezes could also be easily leveraged to hack the game, and it would happen quite often to legit players as it's safe to say most outside of the first world has a fairly freezy experience with Super Mechs (bad connection combined with usually fairly low end phones).
So basically it would be abused by cheaters (never lose again) and *also* get very frustrating as you fight players who just cant handle the game on their phone.
Out of curiosity, what kind of setup do you have to play supermechs?