Lately I've been having a lot of fun recognizing the different references and sources for avatars.
For example:
Hitmo's is the old dude from the simpsons.
George's is Venom from the spiderman franchise.
IAmMuslim is Hanekawa Tsubasa from Monogatari (specifically: Nekomonogatari Kuro, Bakemonogatari or Nisemonogatari)
TickleMeRicky is sporting one of the main girls from Macross F.
BestPlayeroftheworld is... mega groot? Iron Groot?
Its rather satisfying to recognize something from a series or franchise or game you dont usually see people refer to, isn't it?
So, let's challenge each other a bit.
I propose a little minigame among those willing - let's change our avatars to something we don't think others will recognize, when someone guesses it we write it down here, change the avatar and keep going. Maybe it'l help us find some common interests =)
Who's up for a bit of guessing and digging?