Greetings all.
I've been having some thoughts about the recent changes and the way we've put into the game in the past year.
I'm sorry for all the Ninja updates, and for any updates that upset you guys.
From now on I'll put more time into reading the suggestion boards and working based on them as in the first years of Battle Dawn.
Also ANY upcoming change will be posted on the forums at least a week before they're introduced. and will be introduced on the RC worlds ( for you to test and comment about before they come to the main worlds.
I encourage you all to be more active on the suggestion forums and sharing any ideas / voting on other ideas. and help to shape the future of Battle Dawn!
I'll be covering the suggestion forum almost daily from now on, and will introduce the most popular features in the game. (the last example of it was the coordinate saving system that was just introduced into the game)
Again, my apologies, I was wrong to act "on instinct" without actually playing the game.
I'm now playing it again on Fantasy 4 (BDSA alliance) and once again enjoying the game i created

Last thing, a BIG thank you to all the supporters who keep making Battle Dawn possible for everyone to enjoy! and especially in-spite of the recent ninja updates. Your dedication to BD is something unique which is rarely seen. Will take steps from now on to listen better to you as well.
And I encourage you all to give a big cheer to our present and past supporters who helped shape BD to what it is today.
just a reminder of what it used to look like in 2006:

All the best,