It's nice and all, that there is newbie protection on the main base, and unlike similar games I have played, there is a reset, so that you don't have one player several times stronger than everyone else combined (yes, I really have seen this happen).
I would like to point out though, that anyone following the tutorial, making the outpost, can immediately lose their outpost to someone else. Take a guess why I'm pointing this out

Now, you can say that this is legal, its part of the game, etc. but think about this for a moment. What will be going through the new-comer's mind? New players will generally not know what to do to get stronger. It is rather discouraging to make something and immediately be robbed. It's like stealing candy from a baby as far as I'm concerned.
This game is fun and all but it is very heavily slanted towards those who are active, and those who are around at the beginning. After the first while, there is too big a gap for a late-comer to do very much besides being conquered, since the resource outposts get taken pretty quick.
To put it bluntly, nobody joining at the wrong time, or without the appropriate knowhow, will stick around, simply because they will feel this game is not worth playing.
It may be worth considering implementing a partial protection feature or such, that extends to outposts, at least against those significantly stronger than yourself. I think it's fair to expect me to fight someone around my level for my new outpost. However, if I JUST joined a server, or was around for a few days, is it reasonable to expect me to fight off a top ranker?
No b.s. about fighting off top rankers on the first day or two of a era. please. most of the time newcomers will be struggling against a lot of established players, and your typical casual gamer will not stick around for a new era.
The ONLY reason I stuck around, frankly, is that I learned pretty quick about eras (because I did a bit of reading - something lots of players don't do), and then I saw that one of the servers had recently reset, soon enough that I might have a chance to do decently. If earth 2 had been 50 or so more ticks into the era, I probably would not be here.