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 Post subject: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:41 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 11:14 pm
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Pepole want to compare utm to deth or some other big name alliances becuse we have won 2 era's in a row, well were not deth or any other allince like jiv, ice or any others, were utm and will always be remembered as utm

its not power or donations, or winning 2 times in a row that make utm a great alliance, its the players we have, the family that we are, the loyalty of our members and our main sub Lutm....... plus our alleys, suchs as 073, and W~L, who have been our alleys even befor we bacame a notable alliance,

ever since i was introduced to battle dawn a long time ago i have dreamed of being in a winning alliance, and so far i have been in 3, Earth 4 ASQ, and m1 UTM, i have also wanted to fininsh a round in 1rst place to put to rest the common thought that a non-donator can not win the game, i have came close finishing 2nd 2 rounds in a row (thank you godbob for beating me :< lol)

Other allinces i have lead have been good but marked with troble of mass donator allinces eating us up, or us just settling for a top 10, ~IW$ on mars4, ASBD on m1 era 1, utm in other eras, OS* few diffrent top 10's and top 5's, i credit the decent finishes to my members not to me leading, no leader can be a leader without his teams

now onto this era, what can i say it has been fun, the war with pkm, the first 200 ticks, with us wondering if we would even survive, under the name of winx, then evil looking unbeatable for the next 500 ticks, then the relcis coming out, utm jumping all over the game then, staying true to its best alleys

despite all the critisim we get for not forcably taking all the relics, we had our fights, and why dont we take 073's relic in a war or evils? becuse a alley like 073 or evil is not worth losing ove a little relic,

So now i would like to thank

Stonebridge- you have been with me forever, though you probly shouldnt have, i have had moments where i was just plain dumb, yet you backed me throughout, thank you

Fullmetal- you been in truly great alliances, but when i asked you to join me and give me a chance you did

devil9- Your name says it all, records, power, and a leader of greatness, yet you join me, so many time our paths crossed, so many time you have so much more then me, yet like fullmetal u gave me a chance

The Bobs- What would utm have been without the bobs, half our power would have been gone

Major nelson- a loyle freind leading up utm's king sub

Matt- great foe and a great freind

Mc.Killer- for being our freind for so long

Alliances__________________---- Due Credit
UTM subs

and all other players for making the game intresting


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:23 pm 
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*Sob* Great speech. Spoken like a true BD player. Congrats to UTM. Hope to see you when M1 re-opens.


After months of not speaking
Numair: You still alive? This was my only way to actually see if your online
Zhester: *You're :D


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:29 pm 

Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 10:04 pm
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Too bad my great alliance went downhill without me =( Grats to UTM. I'm gone for good from battledawn. Take care everyone. Longlive EVIL forever in our hearts and thoughts =) I prolly wont be appearing on the forums either from now on too lol. If you wonder why just ask someone that was in EVIL. Peace out.

- Death Claw of Shadow Heart

Founder of EVIL


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:36 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:58 am
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Love ya too Tom. It was fun fighting you, and fun being with you. My best round to date. I had the 3d highest power! =D


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:58 pm 
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So many players are leaving now. This is bad. Anyways, adios deathclaw.

After months of not speaking
Numair: You still alive? This was my only way to actually see if your online
Zhester: *You're :D


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:21 pm 

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Numair Mujeeb wrote:
So many players are leaving now. This is bad. Anyways, adios deathclaw.

Too many... So few of us vets are left.. It is a shame.


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:30 pm 

Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 10:04 pm
Posts: 126
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Lol maybe for fun I'll rejoin for one more round. College starts soon for me so I'll have a computer for school. If anyone wonder why I left and never found out is I got kicked out of my mom's house and went and live with my dad. No computer and internet lol.

Founder of EVIL


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:33 pm 
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deathclaw wrote:
Lol maybe for fun I'll rejoin for one more round. College starts soon for me so I'll have a computer for school. If anyone wonder why I left and never found out is I got kicked out of my mom's house and went and live with my dad. No computer and internet lol.

Lol, you got kicked out. Nasty.

After months of not speaking
Numair: You still alive? This was my only way to actually see if your online
Zhester: *You're :D


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:22 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:02 am
Posts: 1
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do u noe where is d DETH, EA clan go? i didnt play for 4 era le..T.T i m EA long long time ago..

i would like to ask for dis few person :
1. Ghost Assistant
2. Mccragge ( original Deth creator)
3. cherryshock
4. Ueki?
5. JIV?


 Post subject: Re: UTM leader's victory Speach
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:56 am 
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Joined: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:06 am
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nice speach

I was in VULC in UTM first m1 win so I know how hard was to fight with them but we fight for half round and it was 1 of the best rounds I have been in

~ Dragoon

anyway are you coming back to m1

E1- ERC,... ARM
top rank:
new client 1 , old client 1


----4 years of playing BD----
~ Dragoon


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