1. Becoming a colony, First off, If you haven't played before, i highly advise you to do the tutorial and not skip it.
The first thing you'll want to do is build structures, if you don't donate, here's a good strategic mini structure guide for you :3 build these structures to the levels here; Irrigation to level 3, metal mine to level 3 (then you can give commands to your units), oil well level 1 or 2, Only build the barracks; as infantry have a 25% bonus hit towards light vehicles, and also have no weakness except for concussive units of course. and build up to Damage upgrade; be ahead of the game when attacking people at the beginning of the round, as most other colonies are likely to have only amour units. Leave the rest until you have spare recourses.
When conquered, stay conquered until you have an army that you think will not be killed so easily by your enemy, then when you think the time is right, rebel; via clicking on the colony.
Next step is find an alliance, an alliance is a big help, without them you'd find getting conquers could be quite hard as you may not have any gates. Gates are also a big help because you can move your squads from gate to gate instantaneously for a small sum of energy (depending on the eta). Your alliance is also bound to have a good radar view so you can see what's happening around you, for e.g. If you were going to conquer someone outside of your radar view, but someone else was attacking them.. You'll be accused of sniping, and trust me... No one likes a sniper.
To become a decent player and to be fairly high ranked, I advise you to stay active, or you'll most probably be kicked from your alliance.
a good way of getting more recourses is boosting, It helps a lot, especially when you're in trouble if someone's attacking you.
P.s. Thought i would let EVERYONE in on a little Battle tactic, everyone says that 20 range units and 10 armour units are the best, or 7 range tanks and 3 armour tanks. Wrong, 20 damage units and 10 armour or 7 damage tanks and 3 armour tanks actually have the exact same effect, and also damage cost less to build than range which makes it fairly economical ^_^. Try it now in the battle simulator if you don't believe me.

Also, Seth if you're reading this; it's actually my birthday on july 6th xD