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Head - How do you guys feel about taco bell? Body - mmmmmm mmmm mmmmmm Tail - mmmmmm!! mmm!!!! Head - If I had known you guys felt so strongly about it, I would have stopped earlier!
Next topic: Jokers Choice.
_________________ Relics dropped 600, captured 8 by 615.
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:55 pm Posts: 245 Location: The Forsaken Realm Gender: male
I give Pete's a 3/5
Chuck Norris Fact:
A long time ago, in an ancient village, a child was born. Believed to be the chosen one, he set out at the young age of 13 to slay the most evil monsters in the world. At age 15, he lifted entire mountains because of his insane strength. He slaughtered armies ranking over 100,000 men...with his bare hands. At 16, he killed a dragon by throwing a mere rock at it, causing it to pierce directly through the dragon's body at such force it died immediately. At age 18, he was believed to be a God. Chuck Norris is not that man. Because Chuck Norris killed that man. Twice.
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