mfreak wrote:
Good luck with whatever you are doing. I know you want a fight but I guess you started a bit late.
Words of wisdom indeed!
Yes, way to late, I'm afraid. But it really wasn't about that. I had no illusions that we could win. I had all those units and nothing to conquer

There seemed only two choices. Sit back and watch the era end, and Mars 4 with it....or "spend" the units.
So, I spent my units. (...and how). But I got to coordinate one last battle with 7 other alliance mates who were new to the game, and hadn't coordinated ANY big battles. We planned and executed. AND it was a good plan, and well executed I must say. Everyone did everything they were supposed to right as planned.
We learned quite a lot, even though we lost (to a vastly superior force). But we knew going into it that we hadn't a snowballs chance in hell of pulling it off.
But with less than 47 ticks left in the world what are you going to least it was dramatic for a dozen ticks. AND it warms my heart to think I gave the "5000 sub-alliance colonies" of the attacked something to do as the final ticks wind down for Mars 4. Now they can scurry around the world taking my ops and conquering our colonies
So mission accomplished! We as a team learned something, we had fun planning and executing our plan. It was a lost cause, a true underdog fight...but aren't those the one we cheer for in the movies, and literature. For 8 ticks we were the 300 Spartans standing in defiance of the massive armies of Persia! ...and like them, we were crushed.
It was a win in my book.