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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:22 pm 
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Heh. For a revolution, people have to care.

So far, I am getting the hint that too many are far to eager to just let things roll over them. No one seems willing to stand up and call Bull in this generation.

It might not get changed overnight, but for it to be changed at all, ALL OF US are going to have to get hell bent on speaking out about it.

Non-violent protests in the streets. Standing up for what is right, and what you believe in.

Ive been chastised in this very forum for being critical of government.

Many before my generation critisized government, and even fought it for their own freedoms. The very founding fathers of this country considered it a patriotic DUTY to critisize government and engage in civil disobedience should the situation call for it.

Even in the 1900's a president of this country stated that it was imperitive!

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president and to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonous to the American public."
- Teddy Roosevelt, in 1918 during the First World War.

And there is more! Just look around!

Has our spine been bred out of us?!

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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:39 pm 
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WOOOT, Lets overthrow the government :D There is no way that we would be able to get enough people to successfully stage rally's like in Egypt and Libya and the ME. Plus there wouldn't be a government that we could successfully replace it with because there would be so many different opinions. I understand the issues in our government and there are many. I when I hit 18 I'm not going to even bother to vote since I know it won't count.

Sometimes the inevitable has to be accepted. There is no way you or I can change it.



 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:32 pm 
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No, you are completely right. I am not talking about a coup-de-tat or anything, I am talking about letting them know that we ARE paying attention. That we DO care, and that we are NOT ignorant of what they are doing.

Also, the importance of voting should be clear, and I do not mean that in the short-sighted sence that we are all growing accustomed to. What we need to realize is that the media plays a HUGE part in public opinion. Why does this matter? Becuase those news stations that everyone watches at election time to get information to base their decisions on, are owned by the same corporations which have the most pull within both the federal reserve AND the halls of congress. It is one thing to dismiss that the system is broken, it is entirely another to acknowledge what are the biggest fissures in it's armor, don't you agree?

In that, you will come to see that the very thing I referred to (and you responded to) is that lobbyists play an absolutely enormous role in Washington. In a very laymen sense of the issue, you could say that given enough money and access (which is readily available should you have enough $$) it is easy as Georgia Peach Pie to buy a your own congressman or senator. Since this was deemed an option via freedom of speech, the largest corporations have been working bit by bit to inch legislation in purely in their own favor. If course the politicians will come out and tell you whatever you want to hear to get their foot in the door these days, and it is no secret that being a lying politician is par for the course. It is part of the paradigm and can be viewed in countless mediums of expression from television shows, to cartoons, to the funny paper political cartoons we have all no doubt seen plenty of in the course of our lifetime.


So consider that politicians will lie and break promisis. That is an accepted part of the paradigm. Combine that with the fact that the corporations with the most lobbyists also throw the most money around to senators and congressmen, AND own the mediums that the majority of americans turn to for information on electorial candidates. This allows them to rig the game in a sense, don't you think?

It seems like the guys that I have looked at and voted for over the last decade or so, have been completely disregarded by the media completely, or the media had served to bias opinion against them simply by not giving them an equal platform to the corporate friendly cronies also on the ballot.
It sincerely sucks to sit back and think about, because I saw it happen. I voted. I paid attention, and it seemed like the only ones other than me whom I know also paid some attention, only paid attention to CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and HLN. An interesting challenge would be to look into the corporations whom own these outlets. See for yourself, and then cross refrence their roles in washington. One name for instance you will find is General Electric whom owns NBC and everything under that umbrella. If you live in the states, I do not need to tell you how common NBC is and how far their reach into America's homes extends.

Consider on the back of that, that GE has serious stakes in warfare, and it is in the best interest of GE to go to war across the globe considering that they are the winners of several no-bid contracts in the military industrial sector. How? Well, and I am just touching on the very TIP if the iceberg here: They produce engines, electrical and propulsion systems for countless peices of military hardware. There are far too many to list here, but a couple good examples are the the engines produced by Honeywell and General Electric in M1 Abrhams tanks, and jet engines in several fighter jets as well as the F117 stealth fighter/bomber (again, alot to list, look for yourself!). If you do some research, you will see the ventures and holdings in warfare for this company. It would be fair to say that, while we like to deem it unthinkable, these people have plenty of motive to give a lobsided opinion regarding foreign policy. The difference between us and them is that they have money and pull, and the cult of personality via media outlets to push it along. That is one example. Im not going to write about Fox, or the others right now, but comon man, you GOTTA just get that feeling that something is not right when you know these facts and then sit and pay attention to what is on those channels. It all becomes a little more transparent the more you pay attention. I equate it to the blue and red pills in the matrix. :lol:

Now, this is alot to absorb, even for me, no matter how many times I confront the facts in my head. I can say though, that our ancestors did not have the blessing of one important tool, that we DO have. The internet.

How this paradigm came to be is a history lesson in itself. I can say that it started during and after WWII, and that is where we saw the birth of the military industrial complex, and in many cases even the merger of these entities with Nazi regime entrepreneurs and scientists (being absorbed into industry and government research) via "Operation Paperclip" (again, google ;) ).

Ill leave you with this. One man tried to warn us with his exit address of what was taking place after WWII and what we could expect if we were not vigilant.

Pay attention. He was right. We were not vigilant. We were complacent.


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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:16 pm 
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im not trying to pull religion into this as it causes wars of epic proportion,but america was originally founded on christian principles.this country has obviously been going downhill since we started to remove currently not in any religion but i waa raised christian and i sincerely believe if we got back to it (and other principles long forgotten)we MIGHT start going back in the right direction.get back to the roots.

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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:31 pm 

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Seth, having peaceful protests will accomplish nothing. Even voting out corrupt politicians will do nothing. because they will be replaced by the corporations.

The only thing we can do to make things better is for a revolt of the people. the corporations have to much power and when they do something against the law we don't send the CEO's or owners to prison, because they say you can't send a corporation to prison.

And like you said lobbyist need to get out of the capital. the corporations have bought all politicians.

The only way to fix things it to start over. with a fresh slate. And its a surprise that all the middle class are happy with where they are at, the top 5% keep bringing in money and it isn't coming down to the middle class. even in recession these people still make record profits. Trickle down economics has never worked and only accomplished giving more money to people who already had money.

I'm guessing during the Reagan years that lobbyists came up with that bull.

But, the revolution has to happen soon. And im guessing with all bills and prices of food going up and people with regular jobs cash never increases they will wake up one day and take to the streets.


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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:58 pm 
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Tenkai wrote:
im not trying to pull religion into this as it causes wars of epic proportion,but america was originally founded on christian principles.this country has obviously been going downhill since we started to remove currently not in any religion but i waa raised christian and i sincerely believe if we got back to it (and other principles long forgotten)we MIGHT start going back in the right direction.get back to the roots.

No, the Catholic Church and all others are just a business. IF God exists then there is no point for him having conduits to us. I don't see why we need them as messengers for our personal relationship with god. There is no need for them. Those who believe in God should have personal relationships with him and should not have any need for the church. Brining back those principals would do nothing anyway. Except maybe increase the average rate of s*domy cases in the US lol.

As for talks of revolts, unless the government does something drastic nothing will happen. The people will not rise up and those that do will be ill funded and stand no chance against the government.

As for voting there is no point. It will change nothing. When I hit 18 I won't even bother voting. I have given up on the US government



 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:53 pm 
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GerberBaby1 wrote:
Tenkai wrote:
im not trying to pull religion into this as it causes wars of epic proportion,but america was originally founded on christian principles.this country has obviously been going downhill since we started to remove currently not in any religion but i waa raised christian and i sincerely believe if we got back to it (and other principles long forgotten)we MIGHT start going back in the right direction.get back to the roots.

No, the Catholic Church and all others are just a business. IF God exists then there is no point for him having conduits to us. I don't see why we need them as messengers for our personal relationship with god. There is no need for them. Those who believe in God should have personal relationships with him and should not have any need for the church.

you saying part of what trevor said 'start over' and bring back what we once stood for.

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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:24 am 
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It seems hopeless. I will admit it. That is just an illusion though. Its part of the paradigm that these people rely on to keep us under thumb. It is not hopeless. You just have to wake up, and be prepared to speak for and fight for what you believe in. In our case, I believe in the principles this nation was founded on, and the constitution that sticks it all together.

I, for a long time had been hesitant to even come here and mention all of the things that I have a hard time watching in this respect. I had been a coward to stand up and say something myself. With this though, I just cant sit on my hands anymore. I have to at least talk about it. It is the least I can do for the freedoms I have enjoyed for my whole life to this point. I have beautiful children, and I hate to think of them being robbed of those same freedoms by people living in stonewalled mansions with armed security, ya know?

It is the same for you guys. You are young, so you will have to bear it with the rest of us, and likely longer than I. I hate to look around me and see all of these kids doomed to a depression-stricken economy until the central banks decide to roll out the solution to the problem they created with a worldwide currency, which will be more of the same as what we have now, just on a larger scale. Big business loves to consolidate their assets, and moving to a world bank & world currency is consolidation on a massive scale.

I have refrained from letting you know who I want to vote for, and have hoped for previously.

Ron and Rand Paul are some good dudes. They speak it true and harsh, and they dont hold any qualms calling it like they see it. They are self made rich guys, and dont need corporate handouts to get a platform. However, this causes them to be a threat to the corporations, so the corporate spin machine will not give such a threat an equal platform.

Voting is NOT useless, that is an illusion. Part of the paradigm. They want you to believe that it is useless so that you will not pay attention and will not vote and will not have your voice be heard. They are banking on ignorance. And I DO mean banking.

If you want to know who to vote for, then turn off your television, and beat your damn feet to the library and to the internet and do your own research.

We need to start paying attention and start getting active as a people in the processes that govern our nation. There is no other way.

These people are hell-bent and well organized. The ONLY way we are going to maintain our freedoms are to be hell-bent and well organized as well. It has to start somewhere somehow. I think just talking about it to people you know and care about is a good beginning. Get educated. Pay attention. Make educated arguments. Be passionate about it.

Knowledge is power.

Thank you all for indulging me.

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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:56 am 
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indulging you? i want to hear more :( to start something like this it could start on this forum and then grow and grow until what seems the impossible becomes the possible thats how we were founded. :) we need to try

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 Post subject: Re: Are you a citizen of the USA?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:09 pm 
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if Donald Trump is running for president next year im voting for him.he tells it like it is.

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