Well it would seem that the allinace RoR just can not help them selves... for what i believe to be the second time this round they have gone back on there word to a high ranking allinace..... how much longer can this go on for...???
LoS had an agred nap with RoR that we would not attack each other ect.
LoS moved in to attack AL being sure not to touch RoR ops on there way in......
i am now trying to hit AL and RoR have taken it apon them selves to try and stop me following me around with more units than i have.... now in my eyes this breaks any agrement but i let it slip with out posting it on the forums..
Now at tick 702 only 4 ticks after making a move in on my army i discover that RoR are attacking gates and no doubt other ops in nutral territory.... may i add with force not just one or two units but at least 150 units...
this is an act of force to an allinace u are ment to be holding a nap with. in a nutral area.
the leader of RoR is either untrustworthy or just incompitant of running and controling an alliance...
RoR can not be trusted
what can the world of marz come up with to do about it

message me personaly if u think these actions are unacceptable and lets see what can be done to bring an end to an allinace that frankly doesnt deserve to be playing