iam2late wrote:
Yes the dreaded toolbar. Link:
http://battledawnlive.ourtoolbar.com/ I understand this gives you a certain amount of blue tokens (second to most valued currency in the game)
Other then the fact that it changes my toolbar (hence the name) does it tweak ANYTHING else/have any viruses in it.
10 Blue tokens suck but it sure beats nothing; but not if I have a virus stuck in my PC.
Help? Thanks

EDIT: Never mind Im not installing the toolbar.
DIdnt work anyways. Opened the toolbar and then this BS popped up.
symres:C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\MUI\\09\01\coUICtlr.loc/PAGEBADREDIRECT.HTML <- Suggestion dont open that file thankfully my norton security blocked it without an issue but it just goes to show that even though they say its safe sometimes the person who owns it/someone else can place spyware/malware list goes on.
http://www.battledawn.com/BattleDawn_ToolBar.php <- Yes that is were I started please dont tell me I downloaded the wrong thing
Sorry to hear that mate.
Could I ask you where you were pointed to that page?
The Battle Dawn toolbar is, sadly, unsupported. The company that did it originally dropped support/went under I believe.
You can get blues with surveys, winning eras, achievements, supporting Battle Dawn (writing articles/editing for the Tribune, helping the admins catch cheaters, 200 blues per purchase over 1k... all kinds of things really!), getting the daily bonus (you can get 290 blues per week if you make a colony on both BattleGalaxy and BattleDawn and click it in the Boost menu!) and probably some things I am missing.
Basically - help the community, staff or game... or just play the game.